Autscape Chat list guidance
The Autscape chat list is for Autscape members and other interested parties to talk and socialize about Autscape, autism in general and anything else that strikes their fancy.
Members of the board passively moderate the list, and at times more active moderation may take place should the board deem it necessary.
For general information and to subscribe and unsubscribe, please visit the Chat list page (you need an account on the site to access it; you can create an account free of charge).
Note that participation on the list is subject to Autscape’s behaviour policy.
Please also observe the following guidelines:
- Be considerate: If you post, consider your audience. Autscape chat list subscribers are a wide and diverse group of people, not all of whom post. Please avoid offensive, intimidating or bullying posts, as well as disablist, sexist, homophobic or racist remarks.
- Confidentiality: Treat all posts to the list as confidential unless you have explicit permission from the author to do otherwise. Don’t approach anyone directly with requests for consent to use or quote posts. One general request for consent posted to all is acceptable.
- Subject header: When posting on a new topic, please try to make the subject header of the post clear, so people can choose what they wish to read. When replying to posts, please retain the subject header, but change it if the topic changes.
- Quoting in replies: Try to reply “traditionally”, that is: underneath the quote of the original post, snipping away any quoted text from the original post that may not be relevant. Interspersing your reply between quoted snippets is also common. If you’re receiving digests, please pay particular attention to this.
- Complaints: If you have cause for complaint against another person, please email to bring the matter to the attention of the board.
- Intervention: Occasionally the board may intervene if it thinks that a subject is getting out of hand or if it has been brought to their attention that somebody is not adhering to the above. As a last resort, in accordance with our behaviour policy, the board may place sanctions on a person or remove them from the list.
Other lists
Autscape also has a number of other lists relating to the organisation and planning of the conference and other events. Please feel free to subscribe to any one that you may be interested in and direct any posts relevant to those subjects to those lists. These include:
- Announce – to be informed about things directly from the board.
- Experience – to talk about your Autscape experience. Particularly useful for newcomers.
- Plan – for all things that may be relevant to the planning of the Autscape organisation.
- Various working groups and subcommittees to become actively involved in the running of Autscape.