Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting date: Saturday 19/07/08 Meeting time: 1pm-2.30pm Present: Martijn, Kalen, Debbie, Larry and Yo. Absent: Robin and Ruth 1.0 Minutes of June meeting The committee approved the minutes of the June meeting. 2.0 The following decisions taken on the committee list were ratified. The committee has decided to: 2.1. Renew our NCVO membership 2.2. Adopt noise level signs for rooms similar to interaction badges 2.3. Ask Interchange Legal Advisory Service to advise Autscape on organisational structure and to draft the necessary documents to guide us through the processes of incorporation and charitable status (if it is agreed to pursue these) to a maximum cost of £875 + VAT (£1028.13) plus disbursements (expected to be £20 company registration fee). 2.4. Directly elect to the position of secretary (meaning that nominees will now run for either Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or General Committee member) 2.5. Purchase Employer's (£10m cover) and Public Liability (£2m cover) insurance from CASE to cover the period of Autscape for £262.50 2.6. Approve the final programme 2.7. Adopt the design known as 'Logo 1' as Autscape's official logo (in the original colours) 3.0 Proposals: 3.1. Safeguarding 3.1.1. The committee adopted the draft policy 3.1.2. The committee appointed Yo as 'Safeguarding Officer' for Autscape 2008 3.2. The committee agreed to defer discussion of the possibility of hustings at Autscape 2008 to the committee list. 3.3. The committee agreed that Autscape does not consent to the documentary makers who enquired filming at Autscape 2008 3.4. The committee agreed to absorb the £7 cost of international bank transfers this year because participants were not warned in advance about this cost 3.5. There was a brief discussion of the possibility of waiving day fees for carers attending days only. Since no-one has registered for 2008 who has made this request, the issue was deferred for further discussion on the committee list. 3.6. The committee agreed to allow alcohol in the evenings in Dutton and Style common room only. It was emphasised that to abide by the venue's rules participants are permitted to store but not consume alcohol in their rooms and that drinking is not permitted outdoors. 3.7. The committee agreed to sell merchandise at approximately a 20% markup rounded to the nearest sensible amount. 3.8. 3.8.1. The committee expressed its collective concern about the venue's quote for internet access. It was agreed that Martijn should liaise with the venue about leaving their filtering in place and attempt to arrange appropriate internet access for a cost closer to the original £200 estimate. The committee gave its reluctant approval to expenditure of up to £350 if it proves necessary to secure internet access. 3.8.2. The committee delegated Debbie to write our AUP and post appropriate disclaimers in rooms with internet access (subject to committee approval of the wording) 3.9. The committee delegated Peter Benie and Debbie F. to make urgent enquires to secure a reserve venue for next year (i.e. to get pencilled in at Ammerdown or any other viable venue in case of difficulty securing a venue) 3.10. The committee agreed that in the event that the constitutional change to a maximum committee size of 9 becomes effective for this year's committee election the 6 'general committee member' places will be decided by ballot (i.e. each member votes for the 6 candidates they want elected out of the list of 9 names). 4.0 Provisional Approvals of things for AGM: 4.1. The committee noted that the Annual Report is not ready yet. 4.2. The committee noted that the interim accounts are not ready yet. 4.3. Further to last month's decision in principle, the committee agreed to propose that the AGM amend the constitution to replace "The Management Committee shall consist of not less than three members and not more than fifteen members and shall include the honorary office of Chair and such other officers as the committee deems necessary to the fulfilment of their functions." with "The Management Committee shall consist of not less than three members and not more than nine members and shall include the honorary office of Chair and such other officers as the committee deems necessary to the fulfilment of their functions." 4.4. After some discussion (including prior discussion on the email list over the course of the year) of the many issues which will arise in practice and subject to further legal advice the committee agreed to propose resolutions to the AGM that 4.4.1. Autscape should seek to become a company limited by guarantee. 4.4.2. Autscape should seek to become a registered charity. 5.0 Any other business 5.1. Debbie noted that 62 residential participants have registered plus 3 one day participants 5.2. There was a brief discussion of several specific administrative and registration issues however no further decisions were taken.