Minutes of June 2008 meeting

Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: Saturday 21/06/08       Meeting time: 1pm-3pm

Present: Martijn, Kalen, Debbie, Robin, Larry, Yo and Ruth (left halfway

1.0             Minutes of May Meeting

The committee approved the minutes of the May meeting.

2.0             Ratifications:

2.1.            The committee agreed to extend the registration deadline
until 10
additional places are filled or one week before Autscape, whichever
is sooner.

2.2.            The committee agreed to have the luminarium, including a
subsidy for
2 presenters to stay throughout Autscape *and* for the Monday before
(total cost £304) .

3.0             Proposals:

3.1.            Election procedures  - the committee revisited the issue
of election procedures after some disquiet had been expressed on the
list about the overall effect of the votes taken on this issue at the
previous meeting.

3.1.1.      The committee agreed (unanimously) to draft an amendment to
the constitution to change the maximum number on the committee from 15
(current) to 9 and to delegate the drafting of the amendment to Kalen.

3.1.2.      After vigorous discussion and by 4 votes to 3 the committee
decided that when a nominee stands for a position with no competition
they should be automatically elected to the committee ('elected

3.1.3.      The committee decided (5 in favour, 1 opposed, 1 abstention)
to elect to one or more specific named positions on the committee.

3.1.4.      Robin suggested that in light of the contentious nature of
these issues a discussion group should be set up at Autscape to get the
opinions of the membership.

3.1.5.      After a brief discussion and suggestions from several
committee members the committee agreed: that the posts of Chair and
Treasurer should be specifically elected;  that the post of venue
co-ordinator should not be specifically elected; and that the
possibility of direct election to the role of Secretary should be
deferred for further discussion on the list after a tied vote.

[Ruth left the meeting at this point]

3.2.            The committee agreed to pay for up to 5 organisers to
overnight at the venue on Monday 28th July at a total cost of £190.
(Anyone accompanying those organisers will be at their own expense.)

3.3.            The committee decided to have programmes and handouts
professionally printed (rather than organisers doing it at home) at a
maximum cost which will be approved on the list.

3.4.            The committee approved the purchase of public indemnity
and employer liability insurance from CASE at a cost of £200 + VAT and
insurance tax. The Chair expressed the committee's thanks to Larry for
his work on this.

4.0             Delegations:

4.1.            The committee delegated Debbie to produce Autscape
merchandise, and
purchase 'stim toys' to sell at Autscape to raise money.  Maximum
budget (not including T-shirts) £400.

4.2.            The issue of baseball caps was deferred to the list for

4.3.            The committee delegated Yo to modify the draft Child
Protection policy to cover vulnerable adults and comply with the law to
the best of our ability. Larry offered to ask Norman Green to check over
the draft from a legal point of view.

4.4.            Approval of the programme schedule was deferred to the

4.5.            The committee delegated the printing listed in 3.3 above
to Larry. Robin offered to pick this up on his way to Autscape.

4.6.            The committee delegated Debbie and Robin to home print
interaction badges, door signs, name tags etc. To be co-ordinated by

5.0             Progress reports:

5.1.            Bar service - Robin agreed to try the Settle pubs asap.

5.2.            Treasurer's job description. Larry reported no progress
and asked to be relieved of the task which was then delegated to Yo.

5.3.            Training venue and childcare staff - omitted due to the
absence of Ruth.

5.4.            Networking quote - Martijn reported no response from the
venue staff on this. Several committee members expressed the perceived
importance of internet access at Autscape.

5.5.            Information pack - no progress. Kalen undertook to get
on it but reassured the committee that the needed changes are minor.

5.6.            Registration - Debbie reported that we currently have 59
residential and 3 one day delegates registered. Diets, beds and rooms
needed lists have gone to venue via Ruth. The maximum possible delegate
count will be 70. Several committee members expressed satisfaction with
the probable final level of registrations.

6.0             Any other business
