Minutes of May 2008 meeting

Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: Wednesday 28/05/08   Meeting time: 6pm-7.30pm

Present: Martijn, Ruth (formerly known as Genyin), Kalen, Debbie, Robin,
Larry and Yo.

1.0             Minutes of April Meeting

The committee approved the minutes of the April meeting.

2.0             The committee ratified a number of decisions taken on
the list since the last meeting:

2.1.            The committee approved the day rates

2.2.            The committee accepted the Three Guineas Grant and
associated conditions.

2.3.            The committee noted that Roger Turner & Terri Neate's
proposals have now been accepted.

2.4.            The committee agreed to provide full subsidy for

3.0             Proposals:

3.1.            Election procedures

3.1.1.      The committee decided (by 6 votes to 1) that when a nominee
stands for a position with no competition they should be automatically
elected to the committee ('elected unopposed')

3.1.2.      The committee decided (unanimously) that the voting
procedure should be show of hands.

3.1.3.      The committee decided (by 4 votes to 3) to elect all
committee members generally rather than to specific positions and to
decide amongst themselves which committee members will take specific
roles such as chair.

3.2.            Logo competition

3.2.1.      The committee agreed to extend the deadline for entries to
20th June

3.2.2.      The committee agreed to offer a prize of £25 + printed
t-shirt for the winner

3.3.            Provisional booking of venue for 2009

3.3.1.      The committee agreed to ask the venue coordinator to
provisionally book the venue for 2009 for dates to be agreed on the

3.4.            Spending the grant

3.4.1.      Solicitor The committee agreed (by 6 votes to 1) in principle (subject to
cost) to hire an independent solicitor with specialist expertise in the
voluntary sector to (a) advise us as to whether we need to incorporate;
(b) provide other legal advice as required by the committee; (c) draft
the necessary documents to meet our requirements for (i) incorporation
if we decide to do that (ii) conforming to the requirements of the
Charity Commission. Larry requested that his opinion that such
expenditure would be unnecessary and wasteful be noted. The committee agreed to delegate the finding of such a
solicitor to Yo and asked her to obtain a quote for this work. The
committee can then give final approval to commission the work on the
list or at the next meeting once the cost is known. The committee agreed to delegate liaison with such a solicitor
to Yo.

3.4.2.      Accountant The committee agreed (unanimously) in principle (subject to
cost) to hire an accountant to set up an accounting system for Autscape
which will be (a) as easy as possible to use; (b) conform to the
requirements of the Charity Commission and Companies house. The committee agreed to delegate the finding of a suitable
accountant to Robin (with assistance from Yo and anyone else with
suitable contacts) and to ask him to obtain a quote for this work. The
committee can then give final approval to
commission the work on the list or at the next meeting
once the cost is known. The committee agreed to delegate liaison with such an
accountant to Robin.

3.4.3.      Withdrawn

3.5.            The committee discussed the issue of organisers
subsidies and satisfied themselves that such subsidies are legal and
constitutional. The committee voted (5 in favour, 2 abstentions) to give
free attendance to all organizers who are not already receiving a
presenters subsidy.

4.0             Delegations:

4.1.            The committee delegated writing the call for nominations
to Kalen subject to final approval on the list.

4.2.            Withdrawn

5.0             Progress reports

5.1.            Kalen reported that the information pack is expected to
be ready by the time registration closes

5.2.            4 members of the committee visited the venue. Childcare
has been provisionally booked.

5.3.            Registration has been slow so far. Around 30 registered
at present including some presenters and some committee.

5.4.            "Dr. Johnny" (John Lawson) was unable to secure a travel
grant from his university, so he can't come.

5.5.            Larry reported no progress on writing the treasurer job

5.6.            Ruth requested help to make phone calls to arrange a
bar. Several people volunteered and it was agreed that Robin would help
with this.

5.7.            Yo reported that we have sent in our final response to
the lottery audit on time and are still awaiting their response.

6.0             Any other business

6.1.            The committee agreed to defer a decision about a
proposed £200 charge for arranging wireless internet access at the venue
to the committee list.