Minutes of November 2007 meeting


Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: Saturday 17/11/07 Meeting time: 1pm-2.30pm

Present: Kalen, Martijn, Genyin, Larry, Robin, Yo. Late: Michael

1.0 Progress Reports

The committee agreed to accept the venue report subject to minor edits such as the addition of headings (to be approved by the Chair)

2.0 Subcommittees

Based on an initial proposal by Kalen regarding the creation of sub-committees, Genyin queried the procedure under which subcommittees could add new members. Kalen clarified that sub-committees would be free to decide their own decision-making arrangements. Larry clarified that the management committee retains the power to revoke and reconstitute a sub-committee that is not working well.

2.1. The committee agreed:

2.1.1. To create sub-committees of some initial members who will then organize their own procedures.

2.1.2. The chair of each sub-committee must be a member of - or approved by - the Management Committee.

2.1.3. Sub-committees may include members from outside the management committee providing they agree to the participant confidentiality policy.

2.1.4. Sub-committees may add new members from the Autscape membership at their discretion.

2.1.5. Sub-committees will give brief progress reports before each meeting of the Management Committee

2.2. The committee further agreed:

2.2.1. To create a fundraising sub-committee consisting of Robin, Michael and Yo, to be chaired by Robin.

2.2.2. To create a constitution sub-committee consisting of Larry, Yo, Kalen and Genyin, to be chaired by Larry

2.2.3. To create a programme & publicity sub-committee consisting of Michael, Kalen and Autscape member Alexis Miller, to be chaired by Michael.

3.0 Delegation

After some discussion the committee decided that the Management Committee must pre-approve all expenditures by sub-committees or individual committee members. This was agreed with the intention to amend at a future date to allow quicker decision-making in the case of minor expenditure.

3.1. The committee also decided:

3.1.1. To delegate the creation of promotional materials to the programme & publicity sub-committee. All materials to be approved by the Management Committee before printing or publication.

3.1.2. To delegate the task of researching organizational structure and the requirements of becoming a registered charity to the constitutional sub-committee.

3.1.3. To delegate making enquiries and applications to potential funding bodies to the fundraising sub-committee.

3.1.4. To delegate registration under the Data Protection Act to Autscape member Peter Benie, provided he agrees to the Participant Confidentiality Policy.

3.1.5. To delegate to Larry and Yo the formulation of questions and obtaining legal advice from their respective sources regarding the general question of potential Autscape participants who may pose a risk and Autscape’s options with regards to such individuals.

3.1.6. To delegate Larry to research options with regards to liability insurance and report back with the results.

4.0 Documents for approval

The committee adopted Job Descriptions for Chair, Secretary & Venue Co-ordinator. The committee declined to adopt a Job Description for Treasurer in its current draft.

4.1. Larry agreed to revise his Job Description for Treasurer to meet the needs and preferences of the Committee for future approval.

4.2. The committee adopted a Participant Confidentiality Policy.

4.3. The committee agreed to require all members of the Management Committee, sub-committee members, and others outside the committee who may have access to participant information to agree to the Participant Confidentiality Policy.

5.0 Other decisions

Following some discussion the committee decided to create a nominal membership fee for Autscape members, to be implemented at the time of Autscape 2008 and tied in with registration for the event.

5.1. Some discussion took place regarding the possibility of abolishing automatic subsidies for organizers and what system (if any) might replace the existing arrangements. It was decided to delegate research of bursary options for organisers to the constitution sub-committee and defer this issue for discussion on the committee list prior to voting on at a future meeting.