Agenda for April 2009 meeting

Agenda for Saturday 11 April for meeting starting at 10:30am.
Version 2.4

1.0 Ratifications

Approval of March Minutes

2.0 Registration Matters

2.1 Registration Closing Dates.

There are two proposals regarding when to close registration.
The below are summaries.

1/ (Proposed by Debbie as Registrar)
As the venue needs special diets information in advance we
close registration for special diets in mid-July. 

Following the custom of other years we keep registration open
as long as possible, closing it on 31 July before passing
the final information to the venue in early August. 

2/ (Proposed by Trish and Larry (chair))
All registration closes mid-July, with option to extend to 
end July if we have insufficient bookings, or for individuals 
on request. This gives us the extra time we often need as autistics 
to function well and allow for downtime.

Pleae take a look at the full text of these proposals. 

Discuss options One and Two.  

Vote for One or Two

2.2 Registration Fees

The proposed fees were posted to the committee list earlier
in the week.
Vote for or against.

2.3 Peter to report on registration and survey system progress.
Are these still on track for completion by the end of the month?
When do you expect the tech-list to be able to start its testing
and any needed documentation.

2.3 Surveys Progress

2.3.1 Debbie - room survey 
2.3.2 Peter, Trish, Yo - special diets survey
2.3.3 Childcare survey - if childcare provider chosen

2.4 Any other buisness regarding Registration.

3.0 Proposals

3.1 To agree in principle to sell merchandise again this year

3.1.i Selina to co-ordinate this this year.  

3.2 To have a creche that stays on-site this year.

4.0 Approvals/Decisions

4.1 Larry as chair has decided he would like a new vice-chair.

4.1.i Vice-chair 
Proposed Candidates: Debbie 

If there are no other candidates vote to approve/disaprove Debbie
If there are other candidates vote between candidates.

If Debbie is elected, we need a new secretary to work alongside
Yo who is vice-secretary.  

Proposed Candidates - Peter

Either: Secretary 
If there are no other candidates vote to approve/disaprove Peter
If there are other candidates vote between candidates.

5.0 Progress Reports 

5.1 Publicity (Larry)
Larry sent a progress report to the committee list.
Larry can this progress report be summarised for the minutes?
Do you have anything to add to it?

5.2 Fundraising (Yo)
Yo sent a progress report to the committee list.
Yo can this progress report be summarised for the minutes?
Do you have anything to add to it?

5.3 Constitution (Yo)
Yo sent a progress report to the committee list.
Yo can this progress report be summarised for the minutes?
Do you have anything to add to it?

5.4 Venue (Peter)
Peter please could you comment on any 2009 issues and
do you have anything to say about the 2010 venue search.

5.4.1 Luminarium (Trish)
Trish do you have any brief comments to make on the luminarium

5.5 Childcare (Trish)
Trish sent a progress report to the committee list.
Trish can this progress report be summarised for the minutes?
Do you have anything to add to it?

5.6 Programme (Martijn)
Any new proposals?

5.7 Tech (Debbie)
Anything to report?

6.0 AOB