Agenda for May 2009 meeting

1.0 Vote to accept April's minutes

2.0 Presentations and Workshops

Final discussion and vote for proposals to be accepted / rejected.

3.0 Proposals

3.1 To approve the new version of the "official description".
This is an updated version (minor changes) of the previously
adopted description.

3.2 To approve the Acceptable Use Policy for people with login access
to our new server.

3.3 Behavour Policy which outlines under which circumstances
someone would be asked to leave the Autscape Conference.

3.3.i We agree to write the above policy

3.3.ii That Yo drafts this policy.

3.4 Sensory Equipment

3.4.i That we buy start to buy our own sensory equipment for Autscape.
The equipment can be brought to Autscape year after year.

3.4.ii That we have a budget of one thousand pounds for some this year
[treasurer approval required]

3.4.iii Should we add a sensory room supplement to the fees.

If so how much.  Five pounds per adult, ten pounds per adult?

3.4.iv Decisions: Who will buy this this year and who will store it.

Which equipment we buy can be discussed on list.

3.5 That the sum of  GBP 100 be made available from Autscape funds for
Selina to purchase a variety of stimmy toys for sale at the event
(to augment remaining stock from last year).

4.0 Progress Reports

4.1 Trish/Martijn: picture signs - are we using makaton or PCT?

4.2 Martijn: Certificates of Attendance - are these going ahead?

4.3 Larry: Chat list confidentiality email - are we going ahead with
this before the chat list becomes busy?

4.4 Selina - anything to report on merchanise co-ordintaor

4.5 Debbie/Peter Registration report

4.6 Treasurer - Robin

4.6.i Are we going ahead with the cheque requisition forms

4.6.ii Progress of change of Signatories Form

4.7 Chair - Larry
Anything to report?

5.0 Subcommittee Reports

5.1 Publicity - Larry

Publicity Brochure

5.2 Venue - Peter
2009 - Any major issues
2010 - Progress

5.3 Tech - Debbie
Registration and survey system

5.4 Programme - Martijn

5.5 Child - Trish
Issues not including creche discussed above

5.6 Fundraising - Yo

5.7 Constitution - Yo

6.0 AOB