Agenda for February meeting. (23 February starting 9:30am) 1.0 Statements (for official recording in minutes) 1.1 Brief statement from Larry regarding Ruth's resignation. 1.2 Brief statement from Peter regarding downtime 2.0 Ratifications 2.1 Approval of January minutes 2.2 Approval for Trish as new childcare subcommittee head 2.3 Registration expected to open mid-late April 2.4 That only one presenter's worth of funding is given per presentation. (This does not say anything about carers.) 3.0 Proposals 3.1 Carer funding 3.1.i That we waive conference fees for all carers (both for participants and presenters) and make it very clear that this is the case. 3.1.ii But that we cannot afford to subsidise accommodation for carers, therefore we have to charge for their room and board. 3.1.iii We could also then offer to try to help in sourcing funding for any individual who needs to find funding to pay for their carer's accommodation (which should incidentally be payable for out of their direct payments/individual care budget). 4.0 Delegations 4.1 Trish to contact luminarium people about luminarium. 5.0 Approvals/Decisions 5.1 In our October meeting we agreed that chair, vice-chair, treasurer and Yo should be our authorised signatories for the Autscape bank account. Now that Ruth has left us we are down to three authorised signatories. Vote to either stay with three or add a new fourth person. 5.2 To consider whether or not to co-opt a new member. Vote yes we want to co-opt, or no we don't want to co-opt at the moment. A no vote does not preclude co-opting at a later point in the year. If the vote is yes we will discuss who to co-opt later on the list. 5.3 Vote to approve Trish's revised general committee member job description. 5.4 What is the intended readership of our meeting agendas and minutes? Should we ask people not to copy these announcements off the official autscape lists. Vote yes or no. 6.0 Progress reports 6.1 Draft Budget - Robin 6.2 Subcommittees. Anything to report. Some subcommittee chairs will have sent their progress reports in in advance of the meeting are those individual subcommittee chairs happy for their reports to be included in the minutes? Childcare-Trish, Constitution-Yo, Fundraising-Yo, Programme-Martijn, Publicity-Larry, Technical-Debbie and Venue-Peter 6.3 Peter and data protection policy 6.4 Trish and letterhead 7.0 AOB