Agenda for January 2009 meeting to be held on Sunday 25th at 10am. 1.0 Ratifications 1.1 Approval of December minutes. 2.0 Proposals 2.1 Subcommittee Reports Explanation: It is time consuming having subcommittee chairs type in their reports during the meeting and often there is not adequate time to discuss them. 2.1.1 That subcommittee chairs email their reports to the committee list before the main committee meeting. These reports would include progress made, outstanding work and any obstacles to progress. 2.2.1 That we send out an email to the chat, plan and announce list detailing the dates of Autscape, the theme and the location of venue (but not venue name, ie West Wickham, Kent which is in the Greater London Area). 2.2.2 To decide who is responsible in ensuring this announcement gets sent. 2.3 To decide what funding to offer presenters. 2.3.1 That presenters be offered funding for the day of their presentation, where one day consists of the day, an overnight stay if required and the meals for that time period. 2.3.2 That only one person be funded per presentation. 2.4 Arranging Committee Meetings Explanation: Several committee members are concerned about the difficulties experienced so far this year in arranging committee meetings in good time. 2.4.1 That committee members give their next month's (ie next 30 days) availability within 3 days of each committee meeting and after that deadline the next meeting date is set. 2.4.2 That the committee delegate the task of arranging meeting dates to one specific individual who is reliably in a position to collate everyone's availability. 2.5 Data Protection Policy Explanation: The creation of a data protection policy would reassure the membership that we handle their data appropriately. 2.5.1 To draft a data protection policy 2.5.2 To delegate the task of drafting this to the tech subcommittee. 2.5.3 To delegate responsibility for ensuring the draft is completed to Peter. 2.6 Childcare Budget Explanation: The childcare subcommittee have asked about their budget for 2009. Childcare is booked before the event and the search for childcare has already started. Looking at the amounts spent in previous years the subcommittee chair has asked for 1,500 pounds. 2.6.1 That the childcare budget be set to 1,500 pounds. 2.7 Theme Description and Call for Proposals Explanation: We need to get the call for proposals out as soon as possible but it is not ready for approval at this month's meeting. If we wait for next month's meeting the call for proposals could be delayed to March. The programme subcommittee has strong experience in writing theme descriptions and call for proposals. Many of last year's members have stayed on this year and in addition there are new members. 2.7.1 That the committee approve in advance of the wording for the call for proposals and theme description that the programme subcommittee will compose in order to allow the call for proposals go out as soon as possible. 2.8 Chat list Confidentiality Explanation: Some people are concerned about the confidentiality on the chat list. When or if it is ever appropiate to pass on details from a post on the chat list to someone not on the chat list. This in an area where opinions differ. 2.8.1 That we ask the members of the chat list what if anything they think should be done about that list's confidentiality issues and then after a deadline reopen the discussion on the committee list. 2.8.2 Who is responsible for initiating this discussion. 3.0 Delegations None at time of writing. 4.0 Approvals/Decisions: 4.1 Decision: Whether the main committee or programme subcommittee decide on the closing date for the call for proposals. If the committee is to decide then what date will we choose? 4.2 To approve the exact theme wording for Autscape 2009 as decided by the programme subcommittee. The wording for the theme was chosen to be "Effective Living". 5.0 Progress Reports if any. These need to focus on listing progress made, listing outstanding work and any obstacles to progress. 5.1 Subcommittee chairs 5.1.1 Childcare - Ruth 5.1.2 Constitution - Yo 5.1.3 Fundraising - Yo 5.1.4 Programme - Martijn 5.1.5 Publicity - Larry 5.1.6 Technical - Debbie 5.1.7 Venue - Peter 5.2 Chair 5.3 Secretary 5.4 Treasurer 5.5 General Committee Member Description - Ruth and Trish 5.6 Devising of complaints procedure - Larry 5.7 Autscape Letterhead design - Trish 5.8 First draft of induction pack - Debbie 5.9 Availability of luminarium - Ruth 6.0 Any other business