2009 Programme

This page about Autscape 2009 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Theme Description

The theme for this year's Autscape is "Effective Living".

Presentations which conform to the theme will be given priority.

As Autistic people we have a variety of issues that affect our quality of life, whether difficulties with socialising or public transport, organisation and procrastination, or sensory issues. At Autscape 2009 we plan to explore ways of dealing with these issues to enable us to gain more order and enjoyment in life.

Discussing and learning new strategies and realising we are not alone can help us to cope with these and other concerns. Understanding our rights, learning to manage our support needs, increasing our belief in ourselves - these and many other issues may come into this wide ranging theme. With more time and stamina for enjoyment rather than struggling with necessities, we can see improvement in our mental and physical wellbeing.

We hope that Autscape 2009 will lead participants to a better understanding of ways they can ease and enhance their lives.

Possibilities for topics may include: