Agenda for April 2010 committee meeting 1. Approvals 1.1. Approve minutes of March meeting (draft posted 22/03/10) 2. Acknowledgements 2.1. The committee notes with regret Kabie's resignation from the Autscape Management committee. 3. Proposals 3.1. Sc-cons proposes to the main committee that Autscape adopt a policy (to be drafted by cons sc) to cover the following issues: (a) The quorum for directors' meetings (i.e. Committee meetings) (b) The quorum for members' meetings (i.e. AGM and other General Meetings) (c) The maximum number of directors (d) Mandating the named posts of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (e) Restrictions on the holding of those posts (e.g. that they can't all be held by one person) [This is because we recommend *not* including these issues in the governing documents themselves (because then they can only be changed by vote of the membership at a General Meeting) but we think they are important issues to have a policy on which (once agreed) could only be altered by majority vote of the main committee] 3.2. 2010 Fees (see discussion on list) 3.3. Company form admin 3.3.1. Proposal: Change the registered address to Yo's address until we obtain a stable one. [This is for convenience as most of the post coming to that address will be for the attention of the company secretary i.e. Yo] 3.3.2. Proposal: Make only Yo, Peter and Kalen members of the company initially for the purposes of executing the incorporation with the intention that all other committee members will become members of the company as soon as possible thereafter. [This is intended to have no effect whatsoever on decision making or distribution of powers and is simply a means of getting the form done more efficiently. The difficulty is that, unlike the directors, *all members* of the company have to sign on the same sheet of paper.] 3.4. Transport 3.4.1. Which option should we use for transport between Bath and Ammerdown: a) Commercial coach (single trip, 21-47 passengers, £160-£184) b) Bath Community Transport (multiple trips, 11-33 passengers, £35-£82) c) Other (e.g. provide transport only from Radstock rather than Bath) 3.4.2. What capacity of transport do we want to contract for? In the past we have had approximately 15-25 users of our transport. Votes will be considered to implicitly approve any necessary expenditure (e.g. registration, deposit) until the cost can be recovered from users' fares. If option 1a) wins, which size of coach do we want? (21 pass. @ £160 or 47 pass. @ £184) If option 1b) wins, how many mini-bus trips? (1 trip/11 pass. @ £35, 2 trips/22 pass. @ £58, 3 trips/33 pass. @ £82) 4. Delegations 4.1. To delegate setting up a system to record members' names and addresses for new members 4.2. To delegate organising the acquisition and recording of members' names and addresses for existing members 4.3. To delegate either Dave or Debbie to purchase pens 5. Reports and follow-ups 5.1. Progress of bank form 5.2. Transport options for Ammerdown - Debbie posted to list re Bath Community Transport 5.3. Legal advice on ISA - Yo 6. Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed) 6.1. Venue 6.2. Tech 6.3. Publications/publicity - progress on business card & brochure 6.4. Constitution - progress on governing document 6.5. Fundraising - progress on finding a chair 6.6. Childcare - progress 6.7. Programme - proposals received, access to feedback and plan for decision making 7. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 7.1. Treasurer - Accountant liaison 7.2. Secretary - Report re possible training. Progress on incorporation. 7.3. Chair 8. Any other business