1. Approvals 1.1. Approve minutes of January meeting (draft 3 posted 1/2/10) 2. Ratifications 2.1. The committee has approved 'Autscape - an /autistic/ conference' (note /xxx/ means italics) as Autscape's official slogan for general use. 2.2 The committee acknowledges Robin May's resignation due to other commitments and wishes to thank him for his service on the Autscape committee (mainly as treasurer) over several years. 3. Proposals and delegations 3.1. In principle (subject to cost) to seek independent legal advice regarding our ISA obligations. To delegate Yo to request a quote from our current solicitor for this. 4. Reports and follow-ups 4.1. Draft budget and fee levels for 2010 from treasurer - Kabie 4.2. Progress of bank form - Peter(?) 4.3. Agreeing an Autscape phone number 4.4. Transport options for Ammerdown - Debbie 5. Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed) 5.1. Venue - late registrations and progress on 2011 5.2. Tech - progress on reminders for committee meetings 5.3. Publications/publicity - progress on business card, brochure and adverts 5.4. Constitution - progress on governing document 5.5. Fundraising - progress on finding a chair 5.6. Childcare - proposed start date for working on childcare 5.7. Programme - proposals received 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Treasurer - accountant contact 6.2. Secretary 6.3. Chair 7. Any other business