Agenda for January 2010 meeting

Agenda for January 2010 committee meeting

1.     Approvals
1.1.   Approve minutes of December meeting
1.2.   Provisional approval of 2008/09 accounts (subject to final approval 
       by a general meeting) - Accounts document (Access restricted to committee.)

2.     Ratifications
2.1.   Expenditure of £215 for Communication advert

3.     Proposals and delegations
3.1.   To co-opt Debbie F. to the committee, effective from the end of 
       this meeting.
3.2.   To change the chair of venue SC from Peter to Debbie (other 
       volunteers also welcome)
3.3.   To delegate finding and liaising with an accountant.
3.4.   To delegate stationery purchase, badges preparation and printing
3.5.   Request draft budget and fee levels for 2010 from treasurer by Feb 
3.6.   Decision on subsidy for presenters:
       (a) full subsidy (i.e. free attendance)
       (b) 50% subsidy
       (c) 1 day (24 hours) free attendance (as last year)

4.     Reports and follow-ups
4.1.   Kabie on contact with the ISA

5.     Subcommittee Progress Reports
5.1.   Venue
5.2.   Tech
5.3.   Publications/publicity
5.4.   Constitution
5.5.   Fundraising
5.6.   Childcare
5.7.   Programme - CfP progress

6.     Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)
6.1.   Treasurer - Situation regarding bank form
6.2.   Secretary
6.3.   Chair