2014 Schedule

This page about Autscape 2014 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Everything at Autscape is completely optional. You are not obliged to attend anything, communicate with anyone (unless you are a parent or carer), or participate in any way. If you are interested in doing things, there is plenty going on throughout the day, serious, fun, structured and unstructured.

While this schedule contains a complete overview of all the formal programme presentations, we haven't found the time to include all the alternative programme activities on this page as well. For a complete overview of everything that's going on at Autscape, please refer to Part 2 of the Information Pack instead.

Monday 4 August 2014
TimeFormal ProgrammeAlternative Programme
16:00-17:00Registration (Information Area)Post-registration activities
18:00-19:30Supper (Dining room)
19:30-20:00First meeting of Home groups
20:00-22:00Evening Activities
Tuesday 5 August
TimeFormal ProgrammeAlternative Programme
08:30-09:30Breakfast (Dining room)
09:30-10:15YoAccessing formal support through the lifespan
10:15-11:00Alistair de GaetanoThe Autism Genome Project and Genocide: The Unbearable Uncertainty of Being (Autistic)
11:00-11:30Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)
11:30-13:00 Lyte‘Here be Dragons’ – the lifeJourney and the Quest HetaAutistic adults and projects: Ethical and respectful treatment of participants
13:00-14:30Lunch (Dining room)
14:00-14:30First meeting of Interest groups
16:00-16:30Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)
Damian Milton and Susy RidoutAutistic identity, personal and collective (part 1) Discussion session for 09:30 lecture (Accessing formal support through the lifespan) Discussion session for 10:15 lecture (The Autism Genome Project and Genocide)
18:00-19:30Supper (Dining room)
19:30-20:00Meeting of Home groups (your group's room)
20:00-22:00Evening activities
Wednesday 6 August
TimeFormal ProgrammeAlternative Programme
08:30-09:30Breakfast (Dining room)
09:30-10:15Diederik WeveDo engineers make good advocates?
10:15-11:00Dorit Ben ShalomIntegration problems in high functioning autism
11:00-11:30Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)
Alastair CooperNeurotypical Awareness ElaineESA and PIP: maximising your chances of success Discussion session for 10:15 lecture (Integration problems)
10:00-14:30Lunch (Dining room)
14:00-14:30Meeting of Interest groups (your group's room)
16:00-16:30Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)
Damian Milton and Susy RidoutAutistic identity, personal and collective (part 2) Discussion session for 09:30 lecture (Do engineers make good advocates?)
18:00-19:30Supper (Dining room)
19:30-20:00Meeting of Home groups (your group's room)
20:00-22:00Evening activities
Thursday 7 August
TimeFormal ProgrammeAlternative Programme
08:30-09:30Breakfast (Dining room)
09:30-10:00Packing & vacating rooms
10:00-11:00Panel discussion on the theme of "Autism through the lifespan"
11:00-11:30Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)
11:30-12:30AGM - Annual General Meeting
12:30-13:00Meeting of Interest groups (your group's room)
13:00-14:30Lunch (Dining room)
15:30-16:00Break (drinks & snacks in Dining room)