
This page about Autscape 2019 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

One day places at Autscape

We have a small number of one day places available this year. Some are for Tuesday 13th August and some for Wednesday 14th August.

These are for one day only and do not include an overnight stay.

The fee is £65 for adults. Please email if you wish to book for a child. The fee includes morning coffee, lunch, afternoon coffee and dinner.

You can arrive from half an hour before the first presentation. The Autscape programme typically ends between 10pm and 11pm.

One day places will be allocated on Tuesday 16th July. If demand exceeds supply they will be randomly allocated.

Instructions on how to book these will follow soon. Please give your preferred day(s) when you book.

There are some bursaries available to people coming for one day.

Booking Form

Online booking form

Back to booking index page.

Please contact with any queries.