Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2019 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.


What time does Autscape start?

Registration starts at 2pm. It runs to 5pm. See here for the programme.

Is transport arranged from the station?

There will be one or two organisers at Broxbourne station. They will help you find a group to share a taxi with. Please bring money for the taxi fare. The total fare should be no more than ten pounds.

The organiser will be there from 2pm to 5pm. If you arrive after 5pm you need to make your own way to the venue. The taxi fare when the organisers got one was around seven pounds, but that was at a quiet time of day. It may be more expensive in the evening busy commuter period.

Should I tell you if I will be late?

It is helpful if you can tell us in advance.

If you don't know until the day Autscape starts we appreciate it if you wait until after 6pm to tell us. That's when we start to get less busy.

Are there cots and highchairs available?

Yes. If you need a cot, zbed or highchair and can't see one ask the venue's reception (or an organiser).

How many are attending each day?

Approximately 210.

Where are the menus?

The venue coordinate is planning to email about them as soon as possible. In the meantime the registrar knows that there will be plain versions of each dish along side the version with sauce. And that salad should also be available at lunch and dinner.

Why don't we have questions from childcare

Creche orientation is at 3:30pm on Monday. You can speak directly to the creche operators then.

What time does Autscape end?

The last presentation ends just before lunch on Thursday. You need to have left the conference centre by half past 3. If you are staying on over Friday night you need to have left by 11am.

Bedrooms must be vacated by 9:30am on the day you are leaving.

What are the bedrooms like?

Some information about the bedrooms.