How to book

This page about Autscape 2019 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Start of Autscape

Start time

Please arrive from 2pm to 5pm for registration on Monday 12 August. Please don't arrive early.

While we hold registration open for late comers up to 8pm, we appreciate it if you try to arrive on time so we too can get to the first night activities.

There will be sign posts to registration. It will be in the building called Chapel Barn. Registration is self registration. This means we put the conference packs out in order of name badge name and you find your own conference pack and tick your name off a list. There will be people on hand to assist as needed. If you do not wish to interact you do not need to.

(When people have asked for the same or very similiar name badge name we will also use first name and/or surname to ensure they don't get mixed up. Otherwise the wrong person will be in the wrong bedroom and someone with a specific access need may not get their assigned bedroom.)

Your bedroom key card and your name badge may be laid out separately to the generic conference packs.

There is a bathroom in the Chapel Barn. If, when you arrive at the Chapel Barn you need to rest for a while before picking up your conference materials that's okay. There will be seats for this purpose. However please don't use it as a place to gather socially as we want to try to keep the registration area calm. There are a variety of meeting rooms in the venue proper you can use for social gatherings as not all will be used during the registration period.

This year's venue uses swipe cards instead of bedroom keys.

After you have collected your conference materials you can follow the venue's signs to your bedroom or wait for someone to show you the way. This year's venue is well sign posted to the bedrooms. There is an indoor route to all bedrooms from the venue's reception desk however some bedrooms have a quicker outdoor route to them.

During registration from about 3pm (time to be confirmed) there will be activities ran in the programme area which is in the main building . More details about these will be in the programme booklet.

All bedrooms have a kettle and there is tea and coffee available in the area close to the dining hall.

After the main registration period is over we may need to move the registration desk so the Chapel Barn can be used for the evening activities. If you arrive at the Chapel Barn (after 5pm) and it's not in use for registration, make your way to the main building (very close by) and ask at the reception desk there where Autscape registration is. We hope to have some signs up as well. If you arrive while we are moving the registration materials you may need to wait. We do not know if we will have space for self-registration when we move location.

Orientation and Dinner

We don't have the time orintation and dinner start at yet. To ensure you arrive on time to find your bedroom and get to these activities we recommend you arrive by 4:30pm.