Draft Agenda for November 2011 board meeting Request from the company secretary for directors to waive their right to formal notice of this meeting 1. Announcements 1.1. The board notes that Stephen Miller has been appointed as venue coordinator (for Belsey Bridge 2012) and Elaine Binhammer as vice venue coordinator (for Belsey Bridge 2012) 2. Follow-ups 2.1. New email lists 2.2. Automating legal notification of directors' meetings 2.3. The role of wg-tech 3. Proposals 3.1. The company secretary proposes that the board move the January directors meeting from Sunday 1st 12.30pm to Sunday 8th 12.30pm. 4. Roles and responsibilities deferred from previous meeting (additional candidates are welcome to state their interest before or during the meeting): 4.1. Registrar (Last year - Debbie) Candidates: 4.2. wg-purchasing coordinator 4.3. wg-transport coordinator 4.4. wg-tech coordinator* (*previously it has been suggested that the venue coordinator might consider this role, and also that the role of wg-tech should be discussed further) 5. Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets) 5.1. Sc-prog-form (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Kalen 5.2. Sc-prog-alt (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Trish 5.3. Sc-fund (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Elaine 5.4. Sc-research (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Debbie 5.5. Sc-pub (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Martijn 5.6. Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen, Purchasing - TBD, Transport - TBD, Tech - TBD) 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Webmaster (updating website, new email lists) 6.2. Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits) 6.3. Treasurer (bank form, tax return, annual report/accounts) 6.4. Company Secretary (files, annual report, info@ guidance, legal issues re video) 6.5. Chair 7. Any other business