Final Agenda for December 2011 board meeting Attendance and apologies 1. Administrative 1.1. The board notes that the chair will require a leave of absence of 4-6 weeks beginning near the end of April. 2. Follow-ups 2.1. Announcement re subcommittees and working groups 3. Proposals 3.1. The company secretary proposes that the company dissolve wg-transport 3.2. The chair proposes that: 3.2.1. formal meeting announcements for the remaining meetings are made all at once, ASAP 3.2.2. reminders are sent 2 days before each meeting. 3.3. The coordinator of wg-tech proposes that the remit of wg-tech should be to aid and advise the venue coordinator about potential technical issues that might need resolving or raising with the venue, principally regarding the AV system and IT requirements. 3.4. Theme ? 4. Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets) 4.1. Sc-prog-form (sc membership, theme, call for proposals) Chair: Kalen 4.2. Sc-prog-alt (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Trish 4.3. Sc-fund (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair: Elaine 4.4. Sc-research (childcare and venue progress) Chair: Debbie 4.5. Sc-pub (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year, advertisement deadlines, publicity planning) Chair: Martijn 4.6. Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen, Purchasing - Stephen, Transport - TBD, Tech - Stephen) 5. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 5.1. Webmaster (updating website, new email lists) 5.2. Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits) 5.3. Treasurer (bank form, tax return, annual report/accounts) 5.4. Company Secretary (files, annual report, info@ guidance, legal issues re video) 5.5. Chair 6. Any other business Followed by closed meeting