Minutes of January 2012 meeting

Final January Minutes
Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: Saturday 7th January 2012
Meeting time: 2.00pm BST

Present:  Kalen, Peter, Trish and Yo
Apologies: Debbie, Elaine and Stephen
Late: Martijn

Following a request by the company secretary, directors waived their right to
formal notice of this meeting.

1.  Announcements

1.1.Debbie has resigned as a director of Autscape.


2.1.The board ratified its decision that the theme for Autscape 2012 will be
'Similarities and Diversities'. (4 for, 0 against)

3. Follow-ups

3.1.The board discussed the purpose of the Autscape chat email list and decided
to draw up some guidance to be formally proposed at a future meeting.

3.2.It was noted that the paperwork for opening the new bank account is
progressing around the signatories. 

3.3.The board discussed the Autscape 'map' created the company secretary and
asked her to sent the file to the board email list for directors to download.

Martijn entered the meeting


4.1.Research subcommittee chair. There were no volunteers for this role. The
board deferred the appointment to the board email list and, in the interim, the
Chair will assume responsibility.

5. Proposals

5.1.The board discussed a proposal that Autscape should create an 'on-site'
team to actually organise and run the Autscape conference at the event. The
team may (or may not) include all the directors but may also include other
individuals appointed to the team by the directors. In response to directors'
questions, the company secretary reminded the board that 'organiser rebates'
are legally a reimbursement of expenses for having to attend Autscape for those
volunteers who have to be there in order to actually run it. Therefore, should
the proposal be approved, these rebates   should be applied to individuals on
the 'on-site' team (whether or not they are directors) and should not be
applied to directors who are not participating in the 'on-site' team. The board
decided to create an 'on-site' team as proposed (5 for, 0 against).

5.2.The board instructed the treasurer to provide a proposed fee structure to
the directors to be available 1 week in advance of the February meeting, in
order to be able to vote on a fee structure at the February meeting. (5 for, 0

5.3.The board appointed Peter (5 for, 0 against) to take responsibility for
booking and administering transport arrangements and set the remit for this
role as to:
Book Autscape-provided transport for Autscape 2012
Liaise with the transport provider
Ensure information about both Autscape-provided transport and public transport
options are provided to participants
Manage day to day matters relating to transport provision at the event
The board specifically excluded from the remit of the person appointed:
taking responsibility for ensuring that individuals actually arrive
successfully at Autscape. 
It remains Autscape's policy that this is the responsibility of the individual
The board agreed that the person appointed shall have the authority:
Once the board has approved specific provider(s), to book transport on behalf
of Autscape and to liaise as necessary with provider(s)
To collect relevant information from participants and pass that on to the
To appoint individuals to run transport provision at the event

5.4.The board agreed in principle (5 for, 0 against) to appoint an individual
to take responsibility for booking and administering childcare arrangements and
set the remit for this role to be:
To book childcare provision for Autscape 2012
To liaise with the childcare provider
To ensure information about childcare is provided to participants
To manage day to day matters relating to childcare at the event
The board agreed that the person appointed shall have the authority:
Once the board has approved a specific provider, to book childcare on behalf of
Autscape and to liaise as necessary with the provider
To collect relevant information from participants and pass that on to the
provider in a manner consistent with Autscape's participant confidentiality
policy and data protection requirements.
If appropriate, to appoint individuals to manage day to day matters relating to
childcare provision at the event. 

An appointment to this role will be made at a later date.

6. Subcommittee progress reports.

6.1.Formal programme subcommittee (presenter numbers, carer places, call for
proposals, theme 2013). The sc chair reported that the call for proposals was
nearly ready, but it needed integration with the website.  The webmaster agreed
to do it asap so it could go out the date after the meeting with a deadline of
12th Feb for decision making in March. The chair of sc pub said they could help
with the distribution. The chair also reported that presenter numbers and carer
places had not been decided because they are budget dependent and some
information was lacking until today. The 2013 theme decision is on hold until
the Call for Proposals is out of the way. 

6.2.  Alternative and leisure programme subcommittee (sc membership, task list
and timetable for the year). The sc chair reported that there hadn't been many
requests to join the sc so she was going to put out a call on the chat
list. She was also planning to get the Call for Leisure out now that the Call
for Proposals has been finalised.

6.3.Fundraising subcommittee (sc membership, task list and timetable for the
year). There was no report due to the absence of the sc chair.  

6.4.Research subcommittee (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year,
venue and childcare research).  Chair Sep-Jan Debbie. The sc chair had reported
on list about childcare and hopefully the new sc chair will be able to pick up
where she left off. 

6.5.Publications and publicity subcommittee (sc membership, task list and
timetable for the year, advertisement deadlines, publicity planning). The sc
chair reported that he needed to work out an advertising budget and he was
going to contact Communication regarding some form of advertising.  

6.6.Working group reports 
Newsletter, Purchasing, Tech. There was no report due to the absence of the wg
Echo. The wg chair reported that although it was too late for an Echo this year
she hoped to get a feasibility study completed before Autscape so it could be
mentioned there.

7.Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

7.1.Webmaster (updating website, proposal forms, timetable for updating
registration systems). The webmaster reported that he had some updates which he
will do today and some new updates from the chair (as per 6.1. above) which he
will do asap. Furthermore he would like to keep vaguely the same structure for
the bookings system as last year but he would like to remove the PayPal
surcharge to cut down the work. A prerequisite is that the new bank account
needs to be set up which is progressing well.

7.2.Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits, venue information for sc
pub). There was no report due to the absence of the venue coordinator. 

7.3. Treasurer (bank form, tax return, annual report/accounts, fee
proposal). The treasurer reported that the bank form for the new account with
CAF was doing the rounds with the new signatories. He anticipated finishing the
accounts paperwork tomorrow and he shall send the CC39a to the Company
Secretary. He will be sending out expenses cheques on Monday and he will be
collecting together all the accounts paperwork to send to the accountants next
week. He asked that he be informed of any unclaimed expenses asap. 

7.4.Company Secretary (files, annual report, info@ guidance, policies and job
descriptions). The company secretary reported that she hadn't had time to get
to the files and she couldn't do the annual report until she had the
accounts. She had done the map at a basic level and will improve it as and when
time permits. She had also done some reviewing of the website and prompting
along with her usual routine jobs. She also hoped to get to reviewing the job
descriptions and drafting policies eventually. 

7.5.Chair (general progress, any other matters). The chair thought that
progress was sluggish but forward. She was working on a list of deadlines which
she will send to the list asap.

8.Any other business 
8.1.Peter asked if the voting for the elections at the AGM will be basically
the same as for the AGM just gone as he felt it measured popularity and was not
a good mechanism for ranking people for their fitness for the post. The company
secretary said that she did see his point but explained that she had considered
nearly all the alternatives and the system was devised to meet a lot of
complicated criteria and there wasn't a lot of flexibility. 
8.2.Trish asked if Debbie would be staying on as Registrar. The chair said the
post had not been reassigned at the moment. 
Meeting closed at 15.48 BST