Agenda for January 2012 meeting

Final Agenda for January 2012 board meeting


Apologies received from Elaine

1.      Announcements

1.1.   Debbie has resigned as a director of Autscape.

2.      Ratifications

2.1.   Decision of the board that the Autscape theme for 2012 will be
'Similarities and Diversities' (made on list 15/12/11)

3.      Follow-ups

3.1.   Purpose of Autscape chat (see chair's email 14/12/11)

3.2.   Progress of bank form (see treasurer's email direct to those affected

3.3.   Autscape 'map' (see company secretary's email 13/12/11)

4.      Appointments

4.1.   Chair of sc-research

5.      Proposals

5.1.   The chair proposes that Autscape create an 'on-site' team to actually
organise and run the Autscape conference at the event. This team may (or may
not) include all the directors but may also include other individuals
appointed to the team by the directors.

5.2.   The company secretary proposes that the directors request proposed
fees from the treasurer to be available 1 week in advance of the February
meeting in order to be able to vote on a fee structure at the February

5.3.   Transport

5.3.1.      The chair proposes that the directors appoint an individual to
take responsibility for booking and administering transport arrangements.
5.3.2.      The chair proposes that the remit of the person appointed shall
be to:

·        Book Autscape-provided transport for Autscape 2012

·        Liaise with the transport provider

·        Ensure information about both Autscape-provided transport and
public transport options are provided to participants

·        Manage day to day matters relating to transport provision at the

The remit of the person appointed specifically excludes:

·        taking responsibility for ensuring that individuals actually arrive
successfully at Autscape. It remains Autscape's policy that this is the
responsibility of the individual participant.

5.3.3.      The chair proposes that the person appointed shall have the

·        Once the board has approved specific provider(s), to book transport
on behalf of Autscape and to liaise as necessary with provider(s)

·        To collect relevant information from participants and pass that on
to the provider.

·        To appoint individuals to run transport provision at the event

5.4.   Childcare

5.4.1.      The chair proposes that the directors appoint an individual to
take responsibility for booking and administering childcare arrangements.

5.4.2.      The chair proposes that the remit of the person appointed shall

·        Book childcare provision for Autscape 2012

·        Liaise with the childcare provider

·        Ensure information about childcare is provided to participants

·        Manage day to day matters relating to childcare at the event

5.4.3.      The chair proposes that the person appointed shall have the

·        Once the board has approved a specific provider, to book childcare
on behalf of Autscape and to liaise as necessary with the provider

·        To collect relevant information from participants and pass that on
to the provider in a manner consistent with Autscape's participant
confidentiality policy and data protection requirements.

·        If appropriate, to appoint individuals to manage day to day matters
relating to childcare provision at the event

6.      Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets)

6.1.   Sc-prog-form (presenter numbers, carer places, call for proposals,
theme 2013) Chair: Kalen

6.2.   Sc-prog-alt (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year)
Chair: Trish

6.3.   Sc-fund (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year) Chair:

6.4.   Sc-research (childcare and venue progress) Sep-Jan Chair: Debbie

6.5.   Sc-pub (sc membership, task list and timetable for the year,
advertisement deadlines, publicity planning) Chair: Martijn

6.6.   Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen,
Purchasing - Stephen, Tech - Stephen)

7.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

7.1.   Webmaster (updating website, proposal forms, timetable for updating
registration system)

7.2.   Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits, venue information for

7.3.   Treasurer (bank form, tax return, annual report/accounts, fee

7.4.    Company Secretary (files, annual report, info@ guidance, policies
and job descriptions)

7.5.    Chair (general progress, any other matters)

8.      Any other business