Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Sunday 20th July 2014 Meeting time: 2.00pm BST Meeting Chair: Martijn Present: Stephen, Martijn, Trish, Elaine, Debbie, Peter, Alastair, Liz Apologies: None Meeting opened 2:07pm. 1. Ratifications 1.1. The decision to have Autscape cover the attendance cost for someone to attend for one day to run a sensory workshop for the Alternative Programme. Ratified (7 for). 2. Role reports 2.1. Chair (Martijn) The Vice Chair reported (on Chair's request) that it has been a busy month with a lot of people working very hard to get things done. Most things are in the final stages and it should all be done in time. Martijn thanked the Board for their support in his absence. 2.2. Treasurer (Peter) The Treasurer reported that all booking fees have been paid. He is in the process of closing the old bank account. 2.3. Company Secretary (Debbie) The Company Secretary reported that Liz is preparing items for the AGM including information on people standing for election. (From report on list) She thanked Liz and Peter for their work, necessary due to her current heavy workload as registrar. 2.4. Venue coordinator (Elaine) The Venue Coordinator reported that everything is going well, final booking details have been sent in and menus are nearing completion. 2.5. Web systems (Martijn) Nothing to report. 2.6. Honorary Secretary (Stephen) Nothing to report. 2.7. Registrar (Debbie) The Registrar reported just over 100 booked. (From report on list) Final details have been submitted to the venue. Over 10% of participants are carers. She is now working on contingency plans. 2.8. Childcare coordinator (Debbie) The Childcare Coordinator reported we now have 5 children booked, 2 of which are first time attendees. (From onlist report) The Childcare Coordinator is still completing paperwork for sending to parents. Creche staff arrival time has been arranged so that they can meet organisers at lunch before commencing in the afternoon. They have visited the venue and liaison continues regarding arrangements. 2.9. Travel coordinator (Peter) The Travel Coordinator reported receipt of approx GBP 300 income for transport bookings, however he will be requesting up to GBP 500 for taxis etc between Norwich and the venue. 3. Subcommittee, working group and other reports 3.1. Formal Programme subcommittee (Martijn) The Formal Programme Coordinator reported that, barring any last-minute changes, the formal part of the programme schedule is ready and online. He is awaiting information from the alternative programme and is still to do the presenter bios. He will be asking for presenter handouts by the 27th. Peter confirmed the print deadline as a week before Autscape at the very latest. Elaine and Trish reported that the Alternative schedule is almost complete. 3.2. Alternative Programme subcommittee (Trish) The Alternative Programme Coordinator reported a very busy but productive month of decisions and planning. She thanked Elaine for her help. 3.3. Fundraising subcommittee (Liz) Liz reported sending out details of the Give as you Live fundraising platform through the Bulletin and would like to know if anyone present had signed up to it. 3.4. Research subcommittee (Peter) Nothing to report. 3.5. Publicity subcommittee (Alastair) Alastair reported that part 1 of the info pack is being finalised, and part 2 is waiting for information from the alternative programme. He is working on part 3. He has also been working on the consent form for Ben. There followed a discussion as to whether this should be in folders (to follow up on list). 3.6. Purchasing working group (Elaine) Elaine reported that most of the conference supplies are in apart from name badges. She has also looked into organiser wear and will order more. She will be ordering additional merchandise and sensory items. 3.7. Anybody else No further reports. 4. Follow-ups 4.1. Filing (Annual Return, Corporation Tax NIL Payment) Peter reported that all filing etc has been done except for the Companies House Annual Return which cannot be done yet. He has also put some documentation re deadlines on the Board section of the website. 4.2. Research badge Peter reported he has a stamp for a leaf symbol and will make it a blueish-green. 4.3. Film license Trish reported that after a long discussion it was decided this was not viable at present and this year we will instead run Dana's film. Liz said she has asked William Davenport, Director of Too Sane for this World and Citizen Autistic if we can show these. She will follow up on this. 4.4. Venue search Peter and Elaine reported some potential venues but difficulties in visiting soon mean we may lose some options. One possibility is to book Belsey Bridge. [Debbie left the meeting at this point.] 4.5. Personal Data Retention Policy (Martijn) No progress. 4.6. Guidance for splitting conference organisation from governance Elaine reported that she has been working on this but it is now on hold until after Autscape. 4.7. Outstanding Minutes Martijn reported no progress but hopes to get back to it soon. 4.8. Dutch Autscape Martijn agreed to deal with this as soon as he can but pointed out that not much can happen until after Autscape. Trish agreed to resend her draft email to Martijn. 4.9. Website Files No progress. 4.10. Newsletter No progress. 5. Proposals 5.1. Transportation and courier budgets. Peter proposed budgets of i) GBP 150 for courier services for Yo to transport items to Peter. ii) GBP 200 for van hire and fuel for Peter to transport Autscape materials to Autscape. Budgets approved (combined vote, 7 for). 5.2. Materials disposal. Peter proposed for any board member to be able to dispose of Autscape's conference materials and merchandise if either: a) the value of the items is low, or b) the value of the items are lower than the cost of storing and transporting those items. See Appendix A for rationale. There followed a short discussion as to whether this was advisable. The proposal was approved (7 for). 5.3. Transport budget. The Travel coordinator proposed that he be delegated up to £500 for taxis etc as transport between Norwich and the venue. Budget approved (7 for). 6. Any Other Business 6.1. Board agreement of Terms and Conditions for Ben. It was pointed out that the Board had not received the very latest version as sent to Ben. Alastair agreed to send the latest copy to Board for approval immediately, to be dealt with on list. 6.2. Outstanding presenter information. Alastair requested a full lecture summary as well as bio for Dorit. 6.3. Onsite Team. Elaine reported that she has recruited Katja for the on site team but could do with one more. She also asked if anyone can produce a rota and Martijn offered to ask for a volunteer on the onsite team. 6.4. Transport of Sensory Equipment. (From Debbie's report on list) The cost of this has increased as there are more boxes than anticipated. A date for the move is still being arranged.
Closed part of the meeting [Peter left the meeting at this point.] 7. Recommendations to the board 7.1. The Company Secretary proposed that we recommend to the membership at the 2014 AGM that they elect as a director: Peter Benie. See Appendix B for further information. There followed a discussion and general assent. Martijn pointed out, for formality's sake, that there is a conflict of interest: Debbie is not just the proposer and the company secretary but also Peter's partner. The proposal was approved (6 for). Meeting closed 3:56 BST.