Minutes of Extraordinary meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday the 28th of February 2015 Meeting time: 8.00pm GMT Meeting Chair: Martijn Present: Alastair, Debbie, Martijn, Trish, Elaine, Kalen, Stephen Apologies: Liz Meeting opened 8:07pm. 1. Deciding on long term strategies This extraordinary board meeting was called following the resignation of the Treasurer (Peter), because review was needed to ensure that the board could still fulfil its essential competencies without him. It was briefly considered to seek a replacement Treasurer from outside, but the meeting became dedicated to reassigning roles within the board instead. The discussions on the roles of (1.1) Company Secretary, (1.2) Treasurer and (1.3) Chair were handled together as they impact on each other. There was an initial discussion about each position and about the implications of different people taking them, including the impact on existing responsibilities and conflicts of interest. Most people already have a heavy workload. In an ideal situation we would ensure that the chair and company secretary are not in a situation of conflict of interest. However, currently we may not be able to avoid it, merely manage the situation as well as possible, particularly in regard to how it may be viewed externally, despite our experience of managing similar situations. Some people were willing to take positions, but unsure if they were suitable. Company Secretary has in the past been advertised outside with no success. The role requires training and so far Kalen is the only person who has attended this, but it was some time ago. It was pointed out that Honorary Secretary and Company Secretary can be, and have been in the past, the same person. Treasurer requires the ability to write concise phrasing. Trish offered help with this as required. Martijn was uncertain whether to continue as Chair. There were discussions as to the viability of swapping Trish's and Martijn's roles (not ideal for either), a possible review after a period of time, and who else may be considered as Chair. It was felt important (to members and outsiders rather than the Board) that the Chair is recognised as autistic which would unfortunately automatically discount some people from this position. 2. Role Assignments 2.1. Company Secretary The board appointed Elaine as the new Company Secretary (4 for). 2.2. Treasurer The board appointed Debbie as the new Treasurer (5 for). 2.3. Chair A quick opinion poll indicated that most people were happy for Martijn to continue as Chair. 2.4. Childcare coordinator Deferred to the next monthly meeting. 3. Deciding on finance authorizations Deferred to the next monthly meeting. 4. Any Other Business No other business. Meeting closed 10:31pm.