Agenda for February 2015 (extra) meeting

Agenda for Extraordinary board meeting

Meeting to be held at 8pm GMT on Saturday the 28th of February 2015
at #autscape


Apologies: Liz

1.  Deciding on Long term strategies (e.g. external recruitment, finding
    from current board, looking to current membership, etc)

1.1.  Company Secretary

1.2.  Treasurer

1.3.  Chair

2.  Role Assignments

2.1.  Company Secretary (Either interim or permanent depending on 1.1)

2.2.  Treasurer (Either interim or permanent depending on 1.2)

2.3.  Chair (Depending on outcome of 1.3)

2.4.  Childcare coordinator

3. Deciding on finance authorizations [See appendix A]

3.1.  Bank Signatories

3.2.  CAF Web Interface access

3.3.  Paypal

4. Any Other Business

Appendix A: Background for item 3

I hope to have actually got a full, up to date, list of who is authorized
for all of these by the meeting to put in at the start of this appendix.
Not just who the board has selected on prior occasions, but where we got up
to with getting authorization sorted for those people (We voted to make Liz
and Alastair bank signatories and give them access to the CAF Web Interface
in Febuary 2014 (items 2.1 and 2.2) but apparently the paperwork was never
finished on this, so I'm going to need to double check with Peter exactly
where we're up to with that - For example, did we get to the point of
removing Kalen and Yo as signatories?)

The bank signatories need 2 to authorize any cheque
The CAF Web Interface needs 2 to authorize any payment
Paypal needs a single authorization since it doesn't offer a way of doing
double authorization.

With the bank signatory system, Autscape has tried to maintain 2 from 4 in
order to allow Autscape to make payments if at any point the people who
would normally be signing cheques or making payments via the CAF Web
Interface are unavailable for any reason. In principle, this should also
apply to the CAF Web Interface.

Signatories need to have reasonable independence from each other.