Agenda for March 2015 meeting

Agenda for March 2015 board meeting

Meeting to be held at 11am GMT on Saturday 14th March 2015
at #autscape


Apologies: Debbie, Liz, Kalen, Stephen

1.  Announcements:

1.1.  Retirements:

1.1.1.  Peter

1.1.2.  Alastair

1.2.  Registration dates being 9th May to 18th July

2.  Ratifications:

2.1.  The decision to sign the contract with Giggleswick school for Autscape
      to take place on 21st - 24th August 2015.

3.  Proposals:

3.1.  Donation earmarking. Debbie proposes that

3.1.1.  We designate the £1000 donation from the Lingard family for up to
        three years for a specific purpose.

3.1.2.  Select what that purpose should be. Ideas so far suggested include
        the start of new events outside of the main Autscape annual
        conference, and having the lumarium back for a year.

        The reason for the time limit is to prevent the funds getting stuck
        if whatever purpose we designate it to doesn't use it up.

3.2.  Venue visit expenses.  The venue coordinator proposes that we pay
      expenses for the venue coordinator, programme coordinator, registrar
      and assistant registrar to visit the venue.

3.3.  Purchasing budget.  The purchasing coordinator proposes that the
      purchasing working group be granted the following budgets:

3.3.1.  £350 for the purchase of registration materials (See Appendix A for
        cost breakdown)

3.3.2.  £200 for the purchase of sensory equipment

3.3.3.  £200 for the purchase of merchandise

4. Follow ups:

4.1.  Annual Report

4.2.  Accounts

4.3.  Personal Data Retention Policy (Martijn)

4.4.  Guidance for splitting conference organisation from governance (Elaine)

4.5.  Newsletter

4.6.  Purchase of Font License (Alastair)

4.7.  Allowances policy for out and about (Debbie)

5.  Role reports:

5.1.  Chair (Martijn)

5.2.  Treasurer (Debbie)

5.4.  Company Secretary (Elaine)

5.5.  Web systems (Martijn)

5.6.  Honorary Secretary (Stephen)

5.7.  Programme Coordinator (Kalen)

5.8.  Venue Coordinator (Elaine)

6.  Subcommittee and working group chairs

6.1.  Fundraising (Liz)

6.2.  Purchasing WG (Stephen)

7. Any Other Business

(Closed portion of meeting)

8.  Role, subcommittee and working group assignments:

8.1.  Childcare Coordinator (Candidates: Elaine?)

8.2.  Publicity and Publications Chair (Candidates: Martijn)

8.3.  Transport coordinator (Candidates: )

9.  Finance authorisations:

9.1.  Bank Signatories (Currently Stephen, Peter, Kalen and Yo; ideally 4
      current board members including the treasurer and vice treasurer)

9.2.  CAF Web Interface access (Currently Stephen and Peter; ideally 4
      current board members including the treasurer and vice treasurer)

9.3.  Paypal (Currently Stephen and Peter. No way to implement double
      authorization makes having multiple redundency less neccessary than
      other two, and more of a risk, though a risk which we should be
      covered for with indemnity insurance.)

(End of closed portion of meeting)

Appendix A - Breakdown of £350 for registration materials (Item 2.2)

Pens - £100
Lanyards - £60
Folders - £30
Initiation badges - £40
Notebooks - £30
Name Badges - £50
Overspend (In case of underestimation of costs or if I forgot to account
for something) - £40