Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday 26th September 2015 Meeting time: 15:00 BST Meeting Chair: Martijn Present: Debbie, Elaine, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn, Stephen, Trish Apologies: Joseph, Liz 1. Ratifications With agreement of the board all ratifications were voted on together. 1.1 The decision made on the 2nd August to delegate authority to Peter to book transport as required for the shuttle service up to a maximum of £500. (3 For. Stephen was unable to vote.) 1.2 The decision made on the 7th August to, as an exception to the cancellation policy, to refund the Autscape registration fee for booking BK644R, minus a £80 administrative fee in spite of the participant cancelling after the deadline. (6 For. Stephen was unable to vote.) 1.3 The decision made on the 17th of August to delegate the paying of the Jump Networks Ltd invoice of £70.12 for web hosting to those with the ability to access the system to pay it. (6 For. Stephen was unable to vote.) 1.4 The decision made in principle on the 22nd of September to book Giggleswick for Autscape 2016. (6 For) [See Appendix A] 1.5 The decision made on the 22nd of September to give permission to Peter to overhaul to treasurer practices. (6 For, 1 Against) [See Appendix B] 1.1 through 1.5 ratified, 7 for. 2. Proposals 2.1 Change of Treasurer roles The Company Secretary proposed that we split Treasurer into Company Treasurer and two Bookkeepers and no longer appoint a vice Treasurer. [See Appendix C for rationale] It was commented that advantages include lessening the workload of Treasurer without negative impact on the primary part of the role, and allowing people to take on the part of the Treasurer role they are comfortable with. 2.1 carried, 7 for. 2.2 Jump network contract Debbie proposed that the contract with Jump Networks for webhosting be changed to annual, saving 10% on the cost. It was commented that these are a high quality host and this saves us the hassle of moving elsewhere and dealing with a lot of small invoices. 2.2 carried, 7 for. Action: 2.2 Debbie to change Jump Network contract 2.3 Registration materials overspend Debbie proposed that we authorise the overspend made by Debbie, Kalen and Elaine on the budget assigned for registration material. This overspend was caused by a last minute transfer of who was doing it on account of Stephen's illness. There was a request for confirmation of the cost. Not all the receipts were in however it was anticipated this would be up by about 50% on the original amount of £350 and it included the fact that the original figures were based on less than 145 participants (at £5 per head). 2.3 carried, 7 for Action: 2.3 any outstanding receipts to be sent (All) 3. Follow Ups 3.1 Receipts for expense claims There was a general chase up for receipts and a comment that people shouldn't be out of pocket over things ordered for Autscape even in error. Deferred to list due to lack of time Action: 3.1 expenses and receipts to be discussed on list 3.2 Chat List Policy Elaine stated she has given the chat list policy extra time on the board list for people to comment as its been a busy month. She would like it finalised before the next meeting. Action: 3.2 Chat list policy to be read and commented on (All) 3.3 Inclusion Policy (Elaine) Elaine stated she is due to start this soon. Action: 3.3 Elaine to start Inclusion Policy 3.4 Reserves Policy (Stephen, sent follow up report to list) See appendix I for report. Stephen additionally stated that the simplified reserves policy makes it possible for people to check where we're at much easier than it used to be. Previously the policy had a variable amount depending, with the current one we pay the deposit out of the funds reserved to the events.If people would like him to update it to be less time dependent on it's starting point before Martijn publishes it, he should be able to do so quite easily, but we'll need to vote on the amended policy.Martijn has commented that if we decide to run Kalen's retreat event (which could be a good use of the Lingard donation, provided we can deal with the 25k limit) we would need to modify the policy to reflect this additional activity - currently the policy is written assuming a single annual event. We may be able to incorporate such additional activities into a revisal of the reserves policy at the same time as removing the dating on our 'two future events' bit. Action: 3.4 Finalise Reserves Policy (Stephen) 3.5 Chen's Videos (Martijn) Martijn reported that Chen has told the chat list he is working on the videos. Heta is keen to use some of the videos for her Empowerment event in Finland in November but has been informed that the board want to see the videos first before approving such use. Chen has decided to do those of Yo, Kalen, Damian and Kabie first in the hope they are ready in time for Heta. Martijn has now contacted Chen to check progress and is awaiting a response. 3.6 Chat List Moderation (Volunteers needed) Deferred to closed part of meeting due to discussions on candidates. 3.7 Lost Property (Volunteer needed) There was a short discussion in which it was decided to post a message on the website and email participants regarding items which had been left at the venue. Action: 3.7 Trish to write text for Martijn to email to participants and put on website 3.8 Personal Data Retention Policy (Elaine) Elaine reported this had been delayed due to other priorities but will be completed for next month. She requested that people read and comment on policies which have been posted to list as she cannot move on with them until this has been done particularly as she prefers them to be dealt with one at a time. Action: 3.8 Elaine to work on Personal Data Retention Policy 3.9 Domain Purchase Martijn reported no progress on this. Action: 3.9 Martijn to progress Domain Purchase 3.10 Font Licence Martijn reported that this was done shortly before Autscape 2015, We now own a 5-computer licence for desktop use of the FF DIN Medium font used in the Autscape logo, and it has already been used for the headers in the information pack. Peter has recommended Martijn make a webpage tracking who has copies installed to ensure licence compliance, so he will be doing that shortly. Action: 3.10 Martijn to make webpage to track copies of font licence 4. Role Reports 4.1 Chair The chair made a report which was later withdrawn at his request. (The ratification for the vote to agree will go in the next agenda) 4.2 Treasurer Stephen reported that the childcare and venue invoices were paid with delegated authority. Additionally we received a small donation earlier this month. No outstanding invoices remain. Thanks to Peter for fixing the donation page for us. 4.3 Company Secretary The Company Secretary reported that despite the Chair's concerns she thinks Autscape has responded to a growing population of autistic people and as such is attempting to move forward in a controlled and positive way to benefit a lot of people. Unfortunately this means that we have to be more responsive to legal demands and requirements but it should not and has not in her opinion dismissed the core values of Autcape. She is also in the progress of writing the Company Annual Return with the hope that we can meet one of these requirements and get it in a lot earlier this year. 4.4 Web Systems Martijn reported if he keeps this role long term he foresees a lot of work ahead - a very complicated operating system upgrade and further moderation of the website. In the coming months, once he and Peter have time, they will begin work on this together. 4.5 Honorary Secretary (Stephen) Stephen reported that the new system for the agenda timeframe is less stressful with less last minute alterations. This should improve as it becomes routine. The new agenda email is very helpful particularly as several people have access to it. 4.6 Outgoing Programme Coordinator Kalen sent a draft report to the Board list. It will be finalised this week as there has been no feedback. Action: 4.6 Finalise outgoing Programme Coordinator Report (Kalen) 4.7 Outgoing Venue Coordinator Elaine has sent a draft report to the list. Action: 4.7 read and respond to Outgoing Venue Coordinator report (all) Action: 4.7 Finalise Outgoing Venue Coordinator report (Elaine) 4.8 Outgoing Childcare Coordinator (Elaine) Elaine reported that we used Box of Frogs childcare again and it was very successful. This time they also stayed as participants and helped outside of the crèche at the swimming pool. She recommends we use them again and extend this outside of the crèche. It was commented that we did get some very positive feedback from one of the participants over that facility. 4.9 Outgoing Registrar Debbie stated that due to the proximity of Autscape with the start of the academic year she would not be able to get the report out until next month. Action: 4.9 Draft Outgoing Registrar report (Debbie) 4.10 Outgoing On-site Team Coordinator Stephen reported he has sent a draft to the board, and will be incorporating the feedback received into it. Action: 4.10 Finalise Outgoing On-site Team Coordinator Report (Stephen) 5. Subcommittee Reports 5.1 Fundraising No report due to Liz's absence. 5.2 Publicity and Publications Martijn had nothing to report. 5.3 Merchandise and Purchasing Stephen thanked Debbie, Kalen and Elaine for picking things up when he became ill and ensure Autscape had all of the essentials dealt with whether or not he recovered by Autscape. Yo has given us a lead on affordable presenter clickers, and Stephen will be requesting a budget to purchase some to improve the facilities we can guarantee to provide for presenters at some point over the coming year. 6. AOB 6.1 Transport Stephen reported that Peter sent a lengthy transport report, which had been forwarded to the board and has some aspects that need discussing in it. Action: 6.1 Transport - discuss Peter's report on list (All)
(CLOSED PART OF MEETING STARTS HERE) 7. Role Assignments [See Appendix D for candidate statements] 7.1 Chair (Last year: Martijn; Candidates: Kalen, Trish) Kalen is chair, 5 for, 1 against. 7.2 Vice Chair (Last year: Trish; Candidates: Kalen, Trish) Trish is Vice Chair, 4 for, 1 against, 2 abstain. 7.2a Company Treasurer (Last year: Peter, then Debbie, then Stephen; Candidates: Debbie) Debbie is Company Treasurer, 6 for 7.3 Bookkeeper(s) (Candidates: Jeremy, Stephen, Trish) There was a short discussion and it was suggested that three bookkeepers could be a good idea, especially as Stephen gets busy during registration. Deferred to list for further discussion due to lack of time. Action: 7.3 Continue Treasurer/Bookkeeper discussion on list 7.4 Venue Coordinator 2016 (Last year Elaine, Candidates: Elaine) Elaine is venue coordinator for 2016, 6 for. 7.5 Venue Search Coordinator 2017 (Candidates: Elaine, Joseph) Joseph is Venue Search Coordinator 2017, 6 for. [Debbie left the meeting at this point.] 7.6 Programme Coordinator (Last year Kalen, Candidates: Kalen, Martijn) Martijn is programme coordinator, 4 for Martijn, 2 abstentions 3.6 Chat list Moderator Deferred to list. Action: 3.6 Defer chat list moderator discussion to list. Meeting closed 5:38 GMT
Actions: 2.2 Debbie to change Jump Network contract 2.3 Outstanding receipts to be sent (All) 3.1 Expenses and receipts to be discussed on list 3.2 Chat list policy to be read and commented on (All) 3.3 Elaine to start Inclusion Policy 3.4 Finalise Reserves Policy (Stephen) 3.6 Defer chat list moderator discussion to list. 3.7 Trish to write text for Martijn to email to participants and put on website 3.8 Elaine to work on Personal Data Retention Policy 3.9 Martijn to progress Domain Purchase 3.10 Martijn to make webpage to track copies of font licence 4.6 Finalise outgoing Programme Coordinator Report (Kalen) 4.7 Read and respond to Outgoing Venue Coordinator report (all) 4.7 Finalise Outgoing Venue Coordinator report (Elaine) 4.9 Draft Outgoing Registrar report (Debbie) 4.10 Finalise Outgoing On-site Team Coordinator Report (Stephen) 6.1 Transport - discuss Peter's report on list (All) 7.3 Continue Treasurer/Bookkeeper discussion on list New Roles: Chair - Kalen Vice Chair - Trish Company Treasurer - Debbie Venue Coordinator 2016 - Elaine Venue Search Coordinator 2017 - Joseph Programme Coordinator - Martijn
Appendix I Autscape Reserves Policy (Stephen) a) Designate GBP 2500 of general unrestricted funds for Autscape 2013. This will principally be used to pay the deposit and other related expenses. Unused funds will be returned to the reserve after the event. b) Designate GBP 2500 of general unrestricted funds for Autscape 2014. This principally be used to pay the deposit and other related expenses. Unused funds will be returned to the reserve after the event. c) Set the reserve upper and lower limits to GBP 2000 and GBP 5000 respectively. d) After a future Autscape event has finished, the funds to start another Autscape event should be designated at that point. This Reserves policy was adopted September 2012, and was amended May 2015. The policy adopted was a simplified version of the previous reserves policy, and replaced the reserves policy adopted July 2011.