Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday 24th October 2015 Meeting time: 15:00 BST Meeting Chair: Kalen Present: Jeremy, Joseph, Kalen, Liz, Martijn, Stephen and Trish Apologies: Debbie and Elaine No observers. 1. Approvals 1.1 Approval of the September meeting minutes The Chair has already approved the September minutes. From the next meeting the minutes will be approved by the board. 2. Ratifications 2.1 The decision to allow the chair to withdraw the report he submitted as item 4.1 in the September 2015 meeting. Decision taken 30th September (7 for). 2.1 ratified. 7 for 3. Proposals 3.1 The Chair proposed that Autscape should endeavour to grow to meet demand over the next 5 years and to put in place any necessary administrative procedures and other support structures necessary for that to happen. Martijn commented that care should be taken to ensure that the board continues to function in a way that is compatible with the needs of autistic board members and ensure that autistic board members are not reluctant to speak up for fear of violating a social norm or procedure. 3.1 approved. 7 for 4. Follow ups 4.1 Read and comment on chat list policy There was a suggestion that the policy should encourage people to leave some prior context in emails. It was mentioned that modern devices such as phones can make traditional replies difficult. Action 4.1 Pass on suggestion of prior context to be included in chat list policy. Action 4.1 All Board members to read and comment if they have not already. 4.2 Reserves policy Stephen reported no further progress with this. Action 4.2 Stephen to complete Reserves Policy 5. Role Reports 5.1 Chair The Chair had nothing to report. 5.2 Company Treasurer No report due to Company Treasurers absence. 5.3 Company Secretary No report due to Company Secretary's absence. 5.4 Web Systems Martijn reported no progress this month. He will have a lot of instructions to write for the handover after his resignation. He will be available for questions and help indefinitely. When questioned Martijn admitted to indecision as to whether he will be able to continue in this role after he leaves the Board and said he will aim to make a decision over the next few days. Action 5.4 Martijn to make decision regarding Web Systems 5.5 Honorary Secretary (Stephen) The Honorary Secretary had nothing to report. 5.6 Outgoing 2015 Programme Coordinator Report Kalen said she intended to finalise her report before the next meeting. Action 5.6 Kalen to finalise Outgoing Programme Coordinator Report 5.7 Outgoing 2015 Venue Coordinator Report No report due to Elaine's absence. Action 5.7 Kalen to follow up on this report. 5.8 Outgoing 2015 Registrar Report No report due to Debbie's absence. Action 5.8 Kalen to follow up on this report. 5.9 Outgoing on-site team coordinator report Stephen sent a final version to the board list this morning as requested. There was a discussion regarding inclusion in minutes and Kalen agreed to check with Elaine. Kalen asked that it also be available separately and Stephen agreed to look into this. Action 5.9 Kalen to check with Elaine regarding reports in minutes Action 5.9 Stephen to look into making reports available separately from minutes. 6. Subcommittee Reports 6.1 Fundraising The chair of fundraising reported that there was no progress on this but she hopes to move forward in the coming months. 6.2 Publicity and Publications Martijn reported that nothing has been needed therefore there is nothing to report. 7. Any other business 7.1 Programme coordinator There was a brief discussion about the situation with the Programme Coordinator. Martijn is resigning on 30th and has therefore made no start in this role. Kalen made some progress immediately after Autscape. Deferred to list as there is likely to be some restructuring of roles. Action 7.1 Discuss programme coordinator on list.
(Closed portion of the meeting) 8. Role Assignments 8.1 Chat list moderators Current moderators are Martijn, Trish, Stephen. Martijn mainly responds to the requests from server as he gets to them first. There is a need for more moderators as Martijn is resigning and Trish also prefers to as she is unable to read the list at the moment (however she will respond to anything flagged up by the Board) and cannot predict how long this will be a problem. Stephen agreed to take a more active role with the technical side. Other people felt they could not always distance themselves from the conflicts although they may be able to flag up issues. It was suggested that one moderator could be a non-board member (volunteer or by invitation, possibly with a probationary period) provided two others were board members (ideally there should be three moderators). It was suggested a moderators list be started to discuss issues. Discussion was deferred to list. 8.1.1 Kalen proposed that we consider non-board members of the chat list as possible moderators. 8.1.1 approved. 6 for, 1 abstention Action 8.1.1 Stephen to draft a request for volunteers (or invitation to suitable candidates?) and send to the board for comments Meeting closed 4:34pm
Actions from meeting 4.1 Pass on suggestion of prior context to be included in chat list policy. 4.1 All Board members to read and comment if they have not already. 4.2 Stephen to complete Reserves Policy. 5.4 Martijn to make decision regarding Web Systems. 5.6 Kalen to finalise Outgoing Programme Coordinator Report. 5.7 Kalen to follow up on this report. 5.8 Kalen to follow up on this report. 5.9 Kalen to check with Elaine regarding reports in minutes.5.9 Stephen to look into making reports available separately from minutes. 7.1 Discuss programme coordinator on list. 8.1.1 Stephen to draft a request for volunteers (or invitation to suitable candidates?) and send to the board for comments.