Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday 28th November 2015 Meeting time: 15:00 BST Meeting Chair: Kalen Present: Elaine, Jeremy, Joseph, Kalen, Liz, Stephen Apologies: Debbie, Trish Observing: One Autscape member The meeting was opened at 15:20 BST. 1. Approvals 1.1 Approval of the final October 2015 Minutes as posted to the Autscape Board list on 28th November 2015. (6 For). 2. Ratifications With agreement of the board all ratifications were voted on together. 2.1: The decision taken on the 18th November 2015 on the Autscape Board list to book Giggleswick as the venue between 2016 (16-19 of August) providing the venue meets our conditions (Conditions confirmed in e-mail to venue co-ordinator on 27th November 2015. (6 For.) The Venue Coordinator asked for this to remain confidential until an official announcement could be made in the next few days. Actions: Elaine to write an official announcement stating that Autscape 2016 has been provisionally booked at Giggleswick. 2.2: The decision taken on 5th November on list to allow the available videos of presentations by Kabie, Damian and Yo to be shown at the upcoming autistics' event in Finland, on the condition that the clips not include voices or images of participants other than that of the presenter. (6 for). 3. Proposals 3.1 Bookkeeper proposal Elaine requested that the discussion of this be deferred, as she had amended the proposal and this amended proposal has yet to be agreed to by the Company Treasurer. The Chair agreed to this. 4. Follow ups 4.1 Chat List Policy Due to the possibility of further changes the Chair deferred this to the list for further discussion. 4.2 Domain Purchase Martijn had responsibility for this task but since his resignation the board needed to find a replacement. Deferred for discussion on list. 4.3 Font License Tracking Page The Chair decided to defer this for the same reason as 4.2. 4.4 Draft letter for volunteer moderators Stephen reported no progress with this. Elaine volunteered to write this letter. Action: Elaine to write the draft letter for volunteer moderator. 5. Role Reports 5.1 Chair The Chair acknowledged that Autscape had had a rocky start to the year, but expressed confidence that Autscape will manage to do its job effectively over the coming year. She was pleased to see that the venue had been decided upon, as it gives the board something specific to work towards. 5.2 Company Treasurer No report due to absence of Company Treasurer. 5.3 Company Secretary The Company Secretary said that she had been out of action for awhile, but hoped to have the annual report completed by the end of the year. She would also be looking at more policies, roles,organisations and delegated authorities. Liz offered to help the Company Secretary with her report. The Company Secretary said she would let Liz know if assistance is required. 5.4 Web Systems Stephen asked if Martijn had submitted a report. The Chair said that she had not asked him to do so. Elaine said that we needed somebody with suitable skills in the area as soon as possible. The Chair said that Martijn was still willing to maintain and update the underlying web systems, but he is not willing make superficial, day-to-day updates on the website. The Chair said that this is something she could manage technically once taught, but she doubts her ability to actually carry it out. Deferred to list for further discussion. 5.5 Honorary Secretary The Honorary Secretary reported no progress in this role during this month. 5.6 Outgoing 2015 Programme Co-ordinator Report The Programme Co-ordinator said that she has not yet finalised her report, but she will get it done as soon as possible 5.7 Outgoing 2015 Venue Co-ordinator Report The 2015 Venue Co-ordinator has not yet finalised her report. 5.8 Outgoing Registrar Report No report due to absence of Registrar. 5.9 Venue Co-ordinator The 2016 Venue Co-ordinator said that she only received confirmation of the 2016 venue at 4:55 on Friday. She will be in touch with them regarding the contract soon. She had nothing further to report. Joseph asked when a decision will be made on which venue to use forthe 2017 Autscape as some venues were asking for a date for a decision. Kalen and Elaine estimated February 2016. Joseph reminded the board that comments were still required on the board list regarding the suitability of venues for 2017. Action: All board members to look through the list potential venues and give their opinions. 6. Subcommittee Reports 6.1 Fundraising The Chair of Fundraising had nothing to report. 6.2 Publicity and Publications There was no report due to the post being vacant. However, the chair of Fundraising suggested we should give more publicity and re-alert people to our fundraising through Give as you live as Christmas is approaching. Following a short discussion the chair of Fundraising agreed to put something on the website and update Facebook. Action: The Chair of Fundraising to make an update on Facebook regarding Autscape's fundraising. 6.3 Merchandise and Purchasing Stephen said there was nothing to report but reminded the board that Autscape still needed to buy new clickers for 2016. Kalen asked if a report on merchandise could be made available to inform future purchases. Elaine said she would write one. Action: Elaine to write a report on merchandising for 2015. 7. Any other business The Chair said that she would like to add Publications/Publicity to the roles in part two because if Autscape deferred on this again, it would miss out on an opportunity to release a brochure and there will be in a big rush for ads that need to go early in the year.
(Closed portion of the meeting) 8. Roles 8.1 Programme Co-ordinator (Candidates: Kalen) Kalen approved as Programme co-ordinator for 2016. (5 For) Joseph expressed an interest in learning about this role so Kalen agreed to add him to the mailing list. 8.2 Honorary Secretary (Candidates: Trish and Elaine) Elaine elected as Honorary Secretary (Elaine 6, Trish 0) Elaine asked if somebody was able to do the minutes due to her workload. Joseph volunteered. 8.3 Web Maintenance Martijn had agreed to continue with some aspects of this role but following a brief discussion it was decided we need to ascertain what Martijn was still willing to do before electing anybody else to this role. Kalen said she would do essential website maintenance in the meantime. Action: The Chair agreed to contact Martijn to determine his position regarding web maintenance. 8.4 Fundraising Chair (Candidates: Liz) Liz approved as chair of Fundraising (5 For) Jeremy said he would like to learn about this role so it was agreed that he assist the Fundraising Chair. 8.5 Bookkeepers The Chair deferred this pending the Company Treasurers bookkeepers proposal. 8.6 Publications/Publicity 8.6.1: The Chair proposed the separation of Publications and Publicity. (6 For) The Chair and the Company Secretary agreed to define the role of publicity at a later date. 8.6.2: The Chair proposed David Mery for the Publications role. David Mery was approved for Publications Chair (6 For) Elaine requested that Publications is changed into a working group at a later date. Actions: The Chair and Company Secretary to define the roles of publications and publicity and the Publications and Publicity sub committee be changed to a Publications working group. The meeting was closed at 17:25 BST
Actions 2.1 Elaine to write an official announcement stating that Autscape is provisionally booked for Giggleswick. 4.4 Elaine to write the draft letter for volunteer moderators 5.9 Board Members to look through the list potential venues and give their opinions 6.2 The Chair of Fundraising to make an update on Facebook regarding Autscapes fundraising. 6.3 Elaine to write a report on merchandising for 2015. 8.3 Martijn to be contacted and asked what he will do and what he will not do with regards to the maintenance of the website 8.6 The Chair and Company Secretary to define the roles of publications and publicity. The Publications and Publicity sub committee be changed to a Publications working group. New Roles: Programme Co-ordinator- Kalen Honorary Secretary - Elaine Fundraising Chair - Liz Publications Chair - David