Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday 27th February 2016 Meeting time: 15:00 GMT Meeting Chair: Kalen Present: Kalen, Debbie, Jeremy, Joseph, Trish, Elaine Absent: Liz Apologies: None Observers: None Meeting opened: 3:20 pm, closed 5:14 pm 1. Approvals 1.1 Minutes of the January 2015 meeting posted on list on 27th Feb 2016. 1.1. January 2016 minutes approved, 6 for [Debbie left the meeting at this point.] 2. Ratifications 2.1 The Company Secretary proposed on 29th January that we delegate authority for the programme coordinator to have overall responsibility for childcare and to arrange and coordinate the childcare programme. (7 For) 2.2 The Company Secretary proposed on 29th January that the Company Secretary, subject to the agreement of 2 other directors, be delegated the authority to annually renew the contract with FCVO (the mail forwarding company which holds the Autscape official address), and to authorise the necessary expenditure. Following renewal the cost is to be reported at the next board meeting. Note: if there are to be any material changes to the terms of the contract, Bye-law 4.4 requires the full board to approve it. (Apr 2012,2.4) (7 For). 2.1 and 2.2 approved together, 5 for 3. Proposals 3.1 The Company Secretary proposed that we make a new role of Membership Secretary. See Appendix A for rationale. 3.1 Membership Secretary approved, 5 for 3.2 The company secretary proposed we adopt the job description for the role of chair of publications, as in the agenda. The job description was reworded as: CHAIR OF PUBLICATIONS The Chair of Publications is responsible for producing anything that a director may need to fulfil a role eg. Call for proposals or a form and anything Autscape requires publishing. The Chair will either be given a brief or a draft document from the board, subcommittee or working group chairs, editors or anybody working on behalf of Autscape. The Chair is responsible for producing the document and editing it to the satisfaction of the sender, in conjunction with the Publications sub-committee as appropriate, and meeting any agreed deadline. 3.2 Chair of Publications job description approved, 5 for [Trish chaired the meeting from this point] 3.3 The Company Secretary proposed that we disband the Merchandise working group and make individuals responsible for submitting budgets to the board and purchasing things they require for Autscape. 3.3 Disbanding of Merchandise wg approved, 4 for 3.4 The Company Secretary proposed that the Venue co-ordinator be delegated the responsibility to purchase merchandise to be sold on behalf of Autscape and responsibility for the sensory room equipment including new purchases. 3.4 Delegation of responsibility to Venue Coordinator approved, 4 for 3.5 The Company Secretary proposed that the Venue Co-ordinator be delegated the responsibility for the storage and safe keeping of Autscapes equipment and their transportation to and from the venue 3.5 Storage approved, 4 for 3.6 Joseph proposed that the board approve travel expenses for a venue visit to Newland Park in accordance with the Expenses/Allowances policy of not more than GBP 140. Joseph reported that he and Debbie plan to visit Newland Park in North-west London on the provisional date of March 7th. The date has not been confirmed with the venue yet. 3.6 Expenses approved, 5 for [Debbie returned to the meeting at this point] [Kalen chaired the meeting from this point] 4. Follow-ups 4.1. Web systems/tech Elaine reported she has made some progress with this. Martijn has confirmed what he would like to continue with and has been in touch with Peter. The outcome will be reported to list soon. 4.1 Action - Elaine to report to list on what Martijn and Peter will be doing on web systems/tech. 5. Role reports 5.1 Chair The Chair reported that we are now making notable progress towards actually organising Autscape. A few things have resolved in the last few weeks and although some things haven't been happening on an ideal timetable, they are things we can compensate for to still get it all organised in good time. 5.2 Company/honorary secretary The Secretary reported that the chat list policy was in circulation and should be finished soon. The next policy she will be working on is Tech. Before that though she hopes to send the annual report around for editing. 5.3 Company Treasurer The Company Treasurer reported that the cheque signing form has been sorted and she is working on releasing the previous vice treasurer from their responsibilities. Jeremy has access to the bank account and can do bank transfers. Paypal want a list of our directors and Peter will take care of this. Peter will shortly be working with Jeremy to arrange for Jeremy's access to Paypal (and remove the previous treasurer's access). 5.4 Programme coordinator The programme coordinator reported that the Call for proposals is ready to go out as soon as the proposal submission form which has been updated to be simpler yet more flexible has been tested. She expects to have this done by the end of next week, but hopefully earlier. She has not yet made contact with childcare. 5.5 Venue coordinator The venue coordinator reported that she has been trying to get the contract but it is half term at the moment so she is not overly concerned at the lack of response. 5.6 Chair of publications Kalen reported that the AU ad has been submitted and the sc has helped with the CfP. Elaine reported that she is intending to request a report from David in advance of meetings in future. 5.6 Action - Elaine to ensure David is asked for a report in advance of meetings. 5.7 2017 venue search Joseph reported that the 2017 venue should be more accessible than previous years for people mobility issues, and that whittles the venues down to three (Shrewsbury, Sneaton Castle and Kings Park), possibly four if we find that Newland Park has potential when we visit it. Kalen clarified that if we are going to choose another venue that is difficult for people with mobility issues, then we would need to make a deliberate decision not to adhere to the policy for some compelling reason (like no other venues available). 6. Subcommittee reports 6.1. Fundraising (Liz) - deferred, no report received. 7. AOB 7.1 The chair proposed that the meeting scheduled for 23 April be changed to 30 April. There was a short discussion over availability and Kalen agreed to defer this until she was certain of her plans. 7.1 Action: Kalen to follow up on change of date for April meeting
Closed part of the meeting 8. Role assignments 8.1 Membership secretary Debbie gave a short description of tasks involved. Candidates: Jeremy and Trish 8.1 Jeremy for membership secretary. 5 for, 1 abstention. 8.2 Registrar Candidates: Debbie 8.2 Debbie for Registrar, 6 for 8.3. Board Liaison to the moderators of the chat list There was a short discussion. It was confirmed this is going to be a new role in accordance with the chat list policy. So there are two chat list moderators, but one board member they report to. It will involve mediating a dispute and deciding when something really requires board involvement (and when it doesn't). It needs a good decision maker. Candidates: Trish and Joseph 8.3. Joseph for chat list liaison. 4 for, 2 abstentions Meeting closed 5.14 pm
Actions 4.1 Action - Elaine to report to list on what Martijn and Peter will be doing on web systems/tech 5.6 Action - Elaine to ensure David is asked for a report in advance of meetings. 7.1 Action: Kalen to follow up on change of date for April meeting