Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Saturday 26th March 2016 Meeting time: 3pm GMT Meeting Chair: Kalen, Trish Present: Elaine, Jeremy, Kalen, Trish, Joseph Apologies: Debbie Absent: Liz One observer. Meeting opened 3.10pm, closed 5.29pm 1. Approvals 1.1. Minutes of the February 2016 meeting posted on list on 25th March 2016. Approved (5 for). 2. Proposals 2.1. The Company Secretary proposed that we close the Fundraising subcommittee and change Chair of Fundraising subcommittee to Fundraising coordinator. Approved (5 for). 2.2. The Chair proposed that we change the date of the April meeting currently set for the 23rd April, to either 30th April or a weekday. There was a short discussion and it became clear that a weekday would give the only chance of full attendance. Revised proposal: The chair proposed that we reschedule the meeting from 23rd April at 3pm to 26th April at 12pm. Proposal to reschedule April meeting approved (5 for). Action 2.2: Inform members of change of meeting date. 2.3. The Company Secretary proposed that we delegate the authority to decide the dates for opening and closing registration, including any necessary draw dates to the registrar, in consultation with the programme and venue coordinators and the treasurer as appropriate. Approved (5 for). 2.4. The Company Treasurer proposed that we appoint a third person to process payments and refunds (if approved). Approved (5 for). Action 2.4: Set up new person for payments and refunds. 2.5. The Company Secretary proposed that we add a link at the end of the registration system to the donations page and also to the Payment Received email to encourage donations from participants as they register. There was as discussion as to whether this would be confusing and lead to donations in error. Revised proposal: The Company Secretary proposed that we add a link at the end of the registration system and to the Payment Received email to the donations page to encourage donations from participants as they register. Approved (5 for). Action 2.5: Set up link [Trish took over as Chair] 2.6. Due to only having a small number of en-suites, the Registrar proposed that we either: A. Have a draw for en-suite bathrooms B. Use the en-suites as semi-private bathrooms (eg to be used by a small number of people) C. Allocate on a first come first served basis There was a short discussion over needs versus desire and who would actually miss out in each situation. Option B approved (3 for B, 2 for A, none for C). 2.7. Joseph proposed that the board approve travel expenses for a venue visit to Kings Park conference centre on 13th April in accordance with the Expenses/Allowances policy of approx £80.00. Approved (5 for). 3. Follow Ups 3.1. Web systems/Tech (Elaine) Elaine had nothing to report however she should have something for the Board list soon 4. Role Reports 4.1. The Chair had nothing to report 4.2. The Company/Honorary Secretary reported that the Annual Report will soon be distributed for editing. The Chat list policy needs approving in the next day or so. Action 4.2: Approve chat list policy (all) 4 3. No report was received from the Company Treasurer 4.4. The Programme Co-ordinator reported that the call for proposals had been circulated with a deadline of 15 April. Some proposals are already in. The programme should be ready for publication by mid-May. 4.5. The Venue Co-ordinator (Elaine) reported that she has the contract to sign now and we need to pay the deposit soon. Communication has started again with the venue. Action 4.5: Ensure deposit is paid (Elaine) 4.6. No report had been requested or received from the Chair of publications. Kalen commented that she intends getting David onto the task of making or updating an advertising brochure. Action 4.6: Liaise with David re brochure (Kalen) 4.7. The 2017 Venue Search co-ordinator (Joseph) reported that he, Debbie and Peter visited Newland Park on March 7th and High Leigh on March 22nd. Newlands Park would be great for a year where we need a cheap venue, but High Leigh is much better when it comes to accessibility. We would also need to get more than 168 people for High Leigh, or we'd have to share with a smaller group. We'd have to share for Newlands Park too, but it's a very sprawling campus, which would mean accessibility issues. Kalen requested a report to the Board list and Joseph promised this within a few days. Elaine reported that she, Debbie, Peter and Kalen had visited Shrewsbury school which has some potential and there will be a report on this too. Action 4.7: Report on visits (Joseph/Debbie/Kalen/Elaine) 5. Subcommittee Reports 5.1. No report received from Liz on Fundraising 6. AOB 6.1. Elaine reported that Liz has resigned from the board for personal reasons. She would like like to thank her for her help in the past few years. Action 6.1: Contact Liz with thank you 6.2. Kalen wanted to make a proposal regarding Tech which involved role assignment so was brought up in closed part of meeting.
Beginning the closed portion of the meeting 7. The Company Treasurer proposes that we accept post dated cheques and part payments, with details to be decided later. Part payments and post dated cheques approved. 5 for. 8. Role Assignments 8.1. Fundraising Co-ordinator Nominations: Jeremy Jeremy approved as fundraising coordinator (5 for). 8.2. The Company Treasurer proposes that we appoint a third person to approve payments/refunds. Nominations: Trish, Joseph [Joseph left the meeting] Trish appointed as third person to approve payments/refunds (4 for). 9. Tech delegation Kalen reported that the following informal report was received verbally by her: Martijn and Peter have been in discussion and have sorted out who does what with the server upgrade and are happy to work together. Some misunderstandings have been resolved. Kalen explained that although she knew a tech policy was coming, like all policies, it will be a while before it's fully approved and in place. In the meantime, there are things that need to be done, and maintenance that is being done. Martijn and Peter have talked it over, and are happy for Martijn to continue doing these things and progress with the upgrade as needed. This makes it official that he should be doing what he's always been doing behind the scenes, including since he left the board. (Board members may not even realise he's been doing this work, but there is quite a lot of it being done.) Kalen proposed Martijn as tech coordinator (or some other title if that's more suitable). Martijn was appointed tech coordinator (including server upgrade) (3 for, 1 abstention). Action 9: Inform Martijn he is tech coordinator (Kalen) Meeting closed 5.29
Actions 2.2: Inform members of change of meeting date. 2.4: Set up new person for payments and refunds 2.5: Ensure link is set up 4.2: Approve chat list policy (all) 4.5: Ensure deposit is paid (Elaine) 4.6: Liaise with David re brochure (Kalen) 4.7: Report on visits (Joseph/Debbie/Kalen/Elaine) 6.1: Contact Liz with thank you 9: Inform Martijn he is tech coordinator (Kalen)