Agenda for March 2016 meeting

Agenda for March 2016 board meeting

Meeting to be held at 3pm GMT on Saturday 26 March 2016
at #autscape


1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the February 2016 meeting posted on list on 25th March 2016.

2. Proposals

2.1. The Company Secretary proposes that we close the Fundraising sub
committee and change Chair of Fundraising sub committee to Fundraising

See Appendix A for rationale.

2.2. The Chair proposes that we change the date of the April meeting,
currently set for the 23rd April, to either 30th April or a weekday.

2.3. The Company Secretary proposes that we delegate the authority to decide
the dates for opening and closing registration, including any necessary draw
dates to the registrar, in consultation with the programme and venue
coordinators and the treasurer as appropriate in perpetuity.

2.4. The Company Treasurer proposes that we appoint a third person to
process payments and refunds (if approved).

2.5. The Company Secretary proposes that we add a link at the end of the
registration system to the donations page and also to the Payment Received
email to encourage donations from participants as they register.

See Appendix B for rationale

2.6. Due to only having a small number of en-suites, the Registrar proposes
that we either:
A. Have a draw for en-suite bathrooms
B. Use the en-suites as semi-private bathrooms (eg to be used by a small
number of people)
C. Allocate on a first come first served basis

Should 2.6 option A be chosen then

2.6.1. the Registrar further proposes that:
A. Anybody can ask to go in the draw and those that are unsuccessful can
book a standard residential place subject to availability.
B. People are asked to be in the draw only if they need an ensuite and those
that are unsuccessful can book a standard residential place subject to
C. People are asked to be in the draw only if they need an ensuite and those
that aren't successful can only book as non residential if they attend.
(This assumes the need is such that it would be impossible for them to
attend without an en-suite)

Should 2.6 option A be chosen then
2.6.2. the Registrar further proposes that the draw:
A. Takes place a fortnight after registration opens
B. Takes place two weeks before registration closes
C. Takes place at close of registration (with built in time to pay so low
income people are not penalised)

2.7. Joseph proposes that the board approve travel expenses for a venue
visit to Kings Park  conference centre on 13th April in accordance with the
Expenses/Allowances policy of approx £80.00.

3. Follow Ups

3.1. Web systems/Tech (Elaine)

4. Role Reports

4.1. Chair (Kalen)
4.2. Company/Honorary Secretary (Elaine)
4 3. Company Treasurer (Debbie)
4.4. Programme co-ordinator (Kalen)
4.5. Venue co-ordinator (Elaine)
4.6. Chair of Publications (David). 
4.7. 2017 Venue Search co-ordinator (Joseph)

5. Subcommittee Reports

5.1 Fundraising (Liz)

6. AOB

Closed portion of meeting

7. Part payments and post dated cheques

8. Role Assignments

8.1. Fundraising Co-ordinator
8.2. Third person to approve payments/refunds

Appendix A - Change to Fundraising sub committee

The fundraising sub committee was intended as a place where fundraising
ideas could be discussed. However, for the past few years it has hardly been
used. People often bypass the list and send ideas straight to info@ for the
board to follow up. Therefore it makes sense that we have a fundraising
co-ordinator with a dedicated fundraising email address who can follow up
these ideas and make bids for grants on Autscapes behalf. The co-ordinator
would have delegated powers to use volunteers if needed.

Appendix B

The board have discussed how we can encourage donations as a method of
raising funds. Registration is the obvious time to remind people as they are
thinking about Autscape and they are also already interacting with us.
Originally it was thought that giving an option to donate during
registration would be beneficial. However, we are also mindful that there is
a potential for errors if this is included directly onto the registration
system. Therefore the best alternative would be to direct people to our
donations page at the end of registration as an option, subsequently
preventing any errors but still serving the intended purpose. This option
could also be highlighted again on the email sent to participants once their
payment had been received.