Minutes of April 2018 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: 24th April 2018

Meeting time: 14:00 GMT

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Elaine, Heta, James, Jeremy, Peter, Martijn, Trish

Apologies: Jenny

Two observers

Meeting opened: 14:02

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the March 2018 meeting posted to the list on 2nd April 2018
     (8 For)

1.2. Minutes of the Extra March meeting posted to the list on 3rd April 2018
     (8 For)

2. Ratifications

No ratifications.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Company Secretary proposed that the board approve the Anti bribery
     policy posted to the list on 22nd April 2018.
     Deferred to list pending further discussion.

3.2. The Company Secretary proposed that the board allocate £1500 from the
     reserves to start the bursary fund.

     There was a brief discussion during which the board considered the
     current state of the reserves. With these being towards our upper limit
     it was thought that more of the reserves should go towards the bursary
     scheme. This would also mean our money would be being used for
     charitable purposes. However, it was also suggested that the reserves
     could go towards securing a more accessible venue next year. On
     balance, there was a general agreement that some increase in the
     Bursary starting figure was still worthwhile. Therefore the chair made
     a new proposal.

     New proposal: The Chair proposes that the board allocate £3000 from the
     reserves to start the bursary fund. (8 For).

     James proposed that we discuss future fees/venues in light of our
     accounts on list. The chair asked him to bring this up.

3.3. The Company Secretary proposed that the additional income from people
     choosing the higher fee over the standard fee is put into a bursary

     There followed a brief discussion regarding the merits of restricting
     the money in this way. It was noted that any unspent funds would be
     carried forward to the next year and the board could adjust any money
     they designate from the reserves to add to the fund accordingly. (8

3.4. The Company Secretary proposed that we establish a Bursary Fund
     committee consisting of three board members, one of which shall be
     chair and responsible for keeping applicants and the Registrar
     informed. (8 For)

3.5. The Company Secretary proposed that the board approve the Bursary Fund
     policy posted to the list on 22nd April 2018.

     Following a discussion some sections were amended and a new proposal
     put forward by the chair.

     New Proposal: The Chair proposes that the board approve the Bursary
     Fund policy posted to the list on 22nd April 2018, subject to the
     following three amendments:
     1. At "As funds are limited a bursary will not usually be given to
        somebody who has received a bursary in the past three years", change
        "in the past three years" to "in the past two years."
     2. Replace paragraphs 3 and 4 of section 3 ("How much will be awarded")
        by the following sentence: "Regardless of the individual reasons a
        participant has applied for a bursary, the amount awarded to each
        person for each event will typically be between 20% to 50% of the
        Autscape fee, with the participant's post-bursary fee being a
        minimum of £50."
     3. In section 5, paragraph 5, remove the first two sentences (which
        are: "The Bursary committee will be advised by the board of the
        nominal bursary amount which should be awarded to each person for
        each event. The Bursary committee is delegated the authority to
        decrease or increase this amount for individuals in exceptional
     (8 For)

     Larry also asked whether there would be any restrictions on directors
     or committee members applying for a bursary. Elaine said she would look
     at discretionary payments and inform the board.

[Heta temporarily left the meeting]

3.6. The Company secretary proposes we set the following deadlines for
     bursary fund applications: 15th May, 10th June, 23rd June. (6 For, 1

[Heta returned to the meeting]

3.7. The Company Secretary proposes we allocate £1000 to the bursary fund
     for each submission period with any amount left over being forwarded to
     the next period or returned to the main fund at the end. (8 For)

4. Follow-Ups


5. Role Reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)
     Nothing to report

5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
     Elaine said she was still waiting for further info to finish the Annual
     report. She would like this to be approved at the next meeting so asked
     board members to look at it ASAP. She was also moving onto getting
     other policies done and will hopefully start the data protection one
     this month. She then mentioned the AGM and pointed out that until now
     it’s always been at Autscape. However, now we have the organising
     committee we have delegated organising the event to them and this
     doesn’t automatically include the AGM. We could have it elsewhere or
     ask the organising committee to include it in the programme. She also
     asked board members to let her know as soon as possible if they were
     planning on standing down early or not planning to stand again so she
     could prepare paperwork.

5.3. Honorary Secretary (Elaine)
     Nothing to report

5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
     Jeremy said he had produced what he considered to be an appropriate
     first draft of the charitable accounts for 2016/17 but there is at
     least one problem to be resolved before he can present it to the board.
     He had not managed to match the amount of the net assets to the total
     amount distributed amongst the funds. He has forwarded a first draft to
     the treasurer email address for review, but has not been able to do any
     further checking of his own since before the weekend. He also said that
     The during this month, £3800 has come in to the Autscape bank account
     as fees from recent registrations.

     Peter asked if he was able to arrange the independent examination of
     the accounts once they are ready? Jeremy said he would like some
     assistance and Peter volunteered to help.

5.5. Event Manager Autscape 2018 (Kalen)
     The event manager submitted the following written report:
        The organisation of this year’s event is proceeding more-or-less on
     schedule. The online form for early registration was delayed, but is
     now live and will close on 7 May. Approximately 50% of places have been
     booked so far.
        The call for proposals has now closed and 46 proposals have been
     received. The programme sub-committee will be invited to rate the
     proposals to provide some preliminary guidance for shortlisting. The
     organisers will meet in person on 2 May to discuss the proposals and
     decide which to include in the programme and then forward that to the
     board for approval. Our timetable says that we should inform proposers
     by 16 May, so you may need to call a meeting between meetings just to
     approve the programme. Childcare, menus, etc. are in hand.

5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
     Nothing to report

5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jeremy)
     Jeremy said he had posted to the board list regarding a new initiative
     from Give as you Live, a store card which can be used for in-store,
     off-line purchases. £10 has been forwarded from GayL this month and
     further money is pending

5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
     Nothing to report 

5.9. Lists coordinator (James)
     James said that one of the moderators had expressed an interest in
     stepping down, but He was yet to reply as it may be an impulsive
     decision. Also, the reason presented for stepping down doesn't fully
     make sense, so He wanted to seek clarity first. Other than that, the
     list is progressing relatively smoothly.

5.10. Venue search coordinators (Peter and Debbie)
      Peter said that Debbie had been looking at Radley Hall. This is one we
      would like to visit.

6. Any Other Business

6.1. James asked if the donation button was available as he couldn’t see it
     when he made his booking. Peter said it wasn’t there yet but you can
     still donate here: http://www.autscape.org/donations [no booking

6.2. Peter reminded the board regarding absences from meetings. The rule is
     that you're out if you're absent three times in a row *without
     reasonable excuse.* That rider is important. Being ill, for example, is
     a reasonable excuse. Being otherwise busy may be an excuse depending on
     how much effort was made to accommodate your schedule.

6.3. Larry suggested that lockable rooms and security should be on list of
     desirables for future venues. He also thought We should consider our
     vulnerability to random terrorist attack. The chair asked him to bring
     it up on list.

Closed part of meeting.

7.1. Board members selected for liaison with Autistic UK
     Volunteers: Heta, Larry, Elaine
     Elected 7 For Heta, 7 For Larry, 8 For Elaine

7.2. Board members for Bursary committee - including chair
     Volunteers: James, Jeremy, Elaine
     All elected 8 For.
     James volunteered to be chair
     [Larry left the meeting]
     Elected 7 For

Meeting closed at 16:46