Agenda for October 2018 meeting

Agenda for October 2018 board meeting

Meeting to be held at 5pm GMT on Saturday 13 October 2018
at #autscape


1. Request from the honorary secretary for directors to waive their right
   to formal notice of this meeting.

2. Approvals

2.1. Minutes of the August 2018 meeting posted to the list on 11th
     October 2018

3. Proposals

3.1. The chair proposes that the invitation to participate on the board list
     and in meetings (previously given to Debbie and Kalen) be extended to:

3.1.1. Peter

3.1.2. Sonny

3.2. Elaine proposes that the board choose one of the following venues for
     Autscape 2019: (see appendix A)

     A. Giggleswick (week commencing Sun 25th August)
     B. Kings Park (Mon 12 - Friday 16th August)
     C. The Hayes (starting Tues 6th August)
     D. Tonbridge (Mon 12 - Thur 15th August)
     E. Tonbridge (Saturday 24th - Tuesday 27th August)
     F. Tonbridge (Sun 25th - Wednesday 28th August)

3.3. Elaine proposes that the board choose a general theme for Autscape

4. Role Reports

4.1. Chair (Martijn)
4.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
4.3. Honorary Secretary (Elaine)
4.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
4.5. Event Manager Autscape 2018 (Kalen)
4.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
4.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jeremy)
4.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
4.9. Lists coordinator (James)
4.10. Venue search coordinators (vacant)

Note: Role reports in advance will help keep the meeting short.

5. Any Other Business

Closed part of the meeting

The full confidential part of the agenda is in the board list archives. 
Below is a summary suitable to publish on the open web.

6. Role elections

6.1. Chair

6.2. Vice-chair

6.3. Venue search coordinator

7. Not published online: confidential decision regarding a participant
   confidentiality issue.

8. Not published online: confidential decision regarding another
   confidentiality issue.

9. Not published online: confidential decisions regarding Autscape
   participant refunds.

Appendix A

Venue notes

1. Giggleswick - they say this would be exclusive. However it isn’t certain
which boarding houses would be available. They are renovating the boarding
houses with some already having been done since our last visit. The are also
building a new 6th form boarding house. The renovations will reduce the
number of beds but presumably the new 6th form house will compensate for
this. It may be worth considering Giggleswick again in couple of years when
more houses have been renovated and the new house is built as that should be
accessible to meet new building regulations.

2. Kings Park - exclusive use. Issues around catering would need to be

3. The Hayes - we would have to share in 2019. In 2020 we could have
exclusive use. However, we would have to check the numbers, cost and
shortfall etc

4. Tonbridge - 2 of the dates offered cover August bank holiday.

No fees have been obtained yet apart from an estimate from The Hayes.
However, we know from previous years roughly what they charge and whether
that Giggleswick and Tonbridge are cheaper venues.
