Agenda for December 2018 meeting

Agenda for December 2018 board meeting

Meeting to be held at 5pm GMT on Saturday 15 December 2018
at #autscape


1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the November 2018 meeting posted to the list on 10th
     December 2018

2. Ratifications


3. Proposals

3.1. The Company Secretary proposes that the board approve the revised
     Bursary Policy - see Appendix A

4. Follow-ups

4.1. Registered address (Elaine)

5. Role reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)
5.2. Company/Honorary Secretary (Elaine)
5.3. Company Treasurer (Jeremy)
5.4. Fundraising co-ordinator (Jeremy)
5.5. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
5.6. Event co-ordinator Autscape 2019 (Kalen)
5.7. Lists coordinator (James)
5.8. Venue search coordinators (vacant)

6. Any Other Business

Closed part of the meeting

The full confidential part of the agenda is in the board list archives. 

7. Follow up [REDACTED]

8. Follow up [REDACTED]

Appendix A: Revised Bursary Policy

Autscape has a bursary scheme to enable people to come to events who would otherwise find it difficult to afford the fee. 

Policy statement

Autscape is aware that by virtue of low income or disability, people often get offered discounts by companies. Similarly carers or support workers who accompany other people are often given a lower fee or free entrance. 

However,  Autscape is exceptional in that a significant proportion of its participants could qualify for a discount under these terms. Therefore we do not offer any discount but we set our fees as low as possible for everybody. 

We believe that most people should be able to afford to come to Autscape at least every three years. However, we acknowledge that for some people this is still not possible. 

Therefore Autscape has a bursary fund which people can apply to for help with the costs of coming to an Autscape event.

Our policy is:

To provide a fair bursary scheme which is clear and easy to access.

To publicise the existence of our bursary scheme.

To gather information which helps us to improve this scheme.

This policy includes information about:

  1. Our aims and objectives 
  2. Who can apply for a bursary
  3. How much will be awarded
  4. How to apply for a bursary
  5. The Bursary committee
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Responsibility
  8. Monitoring and Learning

1. Our aims and objectives 

Autscape aims to provide a bursary scheme that widens the opportunity for people to attend an Autscape event at least every three years.

Our objective is to provide a means whereby people can apply for help with the costs of coming to an Autscape event. 

2.  Who can apply for a bursary 

Anybody who has difficulty meeting the costs of attending an Autscape event can apply for a bursary.  

These costs could be a participant’s own fee, a carer’s fee, support worker’s fee, child’s fee, dependent’s fee or to cover necessary supplements e.g., en-suites or sinks. Other costs such as travel, the additional cost of off-site accommodation when Autscape cannot meet the needs of a participant are also considered.  This list is not restrictive.

As funds are limited, a bursary will not usually be given to someone who has received a bursary in the past two years.

Board members/organisers - They may apply for a bursary and be subject to the same criteria as anybody else. However, if a bursary committee member applies for a bursary this must be approved by the whole board. 

Presenters - May apply for a bursary but any discounts they may be receiving due to their role as a presenter will be taken into consideration by the bursary committee. 

3.  How much will be awarded

The amount awarded will vary depending on the event with the parameters set by the board. Full details will be published prior to each event.

However, a bursary will not normally cover the whole amount needed to attend an event. 

When setting the parameters for an event the board will take into consideration the following: 

Event fee - The amount awarded to each person for each event will typically be between 20% to 50% of the participant’s Autscape fee, with the participant's post-bursary fee being a minimum of £20 for one day fee, £40 for the two day fee £50 for longer.

Supplements - The full cost of the supplement may be covered where a need is shown.

Non participating support workers, carers or dependents - A small bursary discount may be granted for any person who is coming to an event but will not be participating in the full programme. 

Travel - This may be included.

Offsite accommodation - This will only be considered for those who cannot be accommodated on site at an event because the venue does not meet their needs which will be verified by the Registrar.  This will usually cover the difference in cost had they been able to stay on site. 

Board members/organisers - They may apply for a bursary and be subject to the same criteria as anybody else. However, if a bursary committee member applies for a bursary this must be approved by the whole board. 

4. How to apply for a bursary

Instructions on how to apply for a bursary will be published along with the amount available to coincide with the registration of an event. Bursaries will not be available retrospectively. 

5.  The Bursary committee.

The Bursary committee will comprise of three board members elected by the board. One of these will be elected as chair of the Bursary committee.

The Bursary committee will vote on each application taking into account the amount of money available and the number of applicants.  

The Bursary committee is delegated the authority to decide whether an applicant can be awarded another bursary within three years.

The Bursary committee is delegated the authority to extend deadlines in extenuating circumstances.

The chair is responsible for determining how much bursary money will be available through consultation with the board. 

The chair is also responsible for proposing what bursaries will be available for an event taken into consideration the fees and paragraph 3 above. 

The chair is also responsible for drawing up and publishing the above information prior to an event along with the application procedures which should be set following consultation with the Registrar.

The chair is also responsible for informing applicants whether they have been successful and recording the bursaries awarded.

6 Confidentiality

All applications for bursaries will be confidential. Only those who need to know in the course of their work with Autscape will be informed of who has and has not been awarded a bursary.

A list of who has been awarded a bursary will be kept for at least three years for monitoring purposes only.

7. Responsibility

Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the board of trustees.

8. Monitoring and Learning

Bursary applications will be monitored and application procedures reviewed periodically to identify any trends which may indicate a need to take further action.


This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required.