Agenda for June 2019 board meeting Meeting to be held at 5pm BST on Saturday 8 June 2019 at #autscape Apologies: 1. Approvals 1.1. Minutes of the May 2019 meeting posted to the list on 13th May 2019 2. Ratifications 2.1. The Treasurer proposed that Autscape pays the charge incurred by Debbie for using a self-storage facility for the sensory equipment for 3 months June-August. Posted to list on 28th May 2019 Concluded on list 29th May 2019 (9 For) 3. Proposals 3.1. The treasurer proposes that we approve the accounts for 2017/18 3.2. The Organising committee propose the non residential one day fee for Autscape 2019 be set at £65 per adult, pro rata for children. 3.3. The Chair of the bursary committee proposes that the board allocate an an extra £500 to fulfil bursary applications for 2019 3.4. The company secretary proposes that the board accept the revised Accessibility policy. 3.5. List of Delegations (to follow) 3.6. Contingency plans for next year 3.7. Autscape 2020 (to follow) 4. Follow-ups None. 5. Role reports 5.1. Chair (Martijn) 5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine) 5.3. Honorary Secretary (Elaine) 5.4. Company Treasurer (Jeremy) 5.5. Fundraising co-ordinator (Jeremy) 5.6. Membership secretary (Jeremy) 5.7. Event co-ordinator Autscape 2019 (Kalen) 5.8. Lists co-ordinator (James) 5.9. Venue search coordinator (Elaine) 6. Any Other Business