Minutes of October 2019 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 26th October 2019
Meeting time: 14:00 BST
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Elaine, Heta, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn
Absent: Fergus, Debbie
Apologies: None
No observers

Meeting opened 14:10.

1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the September 2019 meeting posted to the list on October 2.
Minutes approved, 6 for.

2. Ratifications
No ratifications.

3. Proposals
3.1. The Fundraising Coordinator proposed that the Board use the £1000 bequeathed to Autscape on:
A. The Bursary Fund
B. A second event
C. A fund for accessibility-related costs such as facilitation for deaf attendants
D. None of the above

Kalen suggested that the money could be put aside for a second event. This would reduce the risk to Autscape's usual income in case of shortfall. Elaine suggested that the money could be put aside for something special, to be determined later. This could be a second event, or something else. The matter was discussed from several angles.

The Chair requested that the Board vote for options A, B, C or D.
A (0), B (4), C (0), D (3). Option B was carried.

Kalen and Elaine expressed an opinion that the vote had been taken before other things had been considered.
[Fergus joined the meeting at 14:33.]

Following a discussion, the Chair proposed that the Board rescind the previous decision on 3.1.
The proposal to rescind was approved, 7 for.

The Chair requested that the Board vote again on the options A, B, C or D for 3.1.
Option D was carried, 8 for.

3.2. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposed that the organising committee are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves

The limits for reserves and the current level of reserves were discussed. It was concluded that the Board did not have enough information to make the decision. The discussion was deferred to list.

3.3. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposed that the organising committee are informed that the Board will
A. Contribute to the event
B. Not contribute to the event

It was concluded that the decision depended on the same information as 3.2. The discussion was deferred to list.

The current level of reserves was discussed. The Treasurer did not know the exact level but informed the Board that it was unlikely to be near the upper limit. He recommended buoying up finances in preparation for returning to High Leigh in 2021. Other Board members expressed that they were not willing to make the decision based on estimates.

4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.

5. Role reports
5.1. Chair (Martijn)
Nothing to report.
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
Nothing to report.
5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
Nothing to report.
5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
The Treasurer said: There is one fee payment I am still awaiting from one of the organisers, but otherwise all incomings and outgoings were sorted out by the end of September.
5.5. Event Manager Autscape 2020 (James)
The Event Manager said: The pre-Core Team have been working on the plan to get registration opened in January, and we are making progress towards that end. This will mean the CfP will also be brought forward. Spectrum magazine is aware of our intention to advertise in January and is holding a space for us.
5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.
5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
The Fundraising coordinator said: I have been gathering information for a draft Fundraising Strategy document.
5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
Nothing to report.
5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
The Lists coordinator said: I've made the necessary changes to admins. There has been a query about list archives and GDPR which I suppose I should pass to the Company Secretary.
5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
The Venue coordinator said: I haven’t got dates yet for 2021.

6. Any Other Business

Closed part of the meeting

7. Follow-ups
7.1. Refund requests
[confidential item redacted]

8. Proposals
8.1. The Event Manager proposed that the Board accept the following people to be the Core Team for Autscape 2020, with the corresponding responsibilities:
Event Manager - James Pelham
Registrar - Debbie Finucane
Programme Coordinator - Kalen Buckle
Event Treasurer - Trish Jubb
Venue Liaison - Elaine Binhammer

The Event Manager confirmed that all had agreed to take on said responsibilities.

[confidential discussion redacted]

The Chair requested that the Board vote on the proposed composition of the Core Team.
The motion was carried, 7 votes for.

9. Any Other Business (closed part)
No other business.

The Chair closed the meeting at 15:48.