Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 23rd November 2019
Meeting time: 14:00 BST
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, Jenny, Jeremy, Martijn, Elaine (from 14:13), Kalen (from 14:13)
Apologies: Debbie, James
No observers
Meeting opened 14:09.
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the October 2019 meeting posted to the list on November 22.
Details of the minutes were discussed.
The following amendments were proposed:
In 3.3, "the organising committee are informed that the Board will" is changed to "the organising committee are informed that we will".
The sentence "It was concluded that the decision depended on the same information as 3.2" is amended to "It was concluded that the decision whether or not to contribute financially to the event depended on the same information as 3.2".
The minutes were approved subject to these amendments, 6 for.
2. Ratifications
No ratifications.
3. Proposals
3.1. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposes that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves
It was suggested that increasing the reserves should be an option. The Chair amended the proposal to the following form.
3.1. (amended) In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposed that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves
C. Increase the reserves
It was suggested that the limits of the reserves should be raised as well as the levels. Kalen suggested that 3.3. should be discussed first, as the decision would affect the current level of reserves. It was agreed that item 3.3. would be handled next.
3.3. The Treasurer proposes that after the Autscape 2019 fund is closed, £2500 is moved to the Autscape 2020 fund and £6000 to the Autscape 2021 fund.
The proposal is based on estimates of the current reserves level (£6000) and the Autscape 2019 fund (£4000).
The need to prepare for high deposits was discussed. Jeremy and Elaine suggested raising the reserves limits. Jeremy suggested a lower limit of £4000 and an upper limit of £8000. Heta pointed out that this would contradict Jeremy’s earlier proposal to move £6000 to the 2021 fund, as this would bring the reserves level to £1500. Jeremy clarified that he was happy to have this earlier idea rejected.
The Chair returned to 3.1., which was amended to include the proposal on reserves limits. This changed the numbering of the previous 3.1. to 3.1.1.
3.1. (amended) The Treasurer proposes to amend the Reserves Policy as approved at the June 2016 board meeting as follows: the Lower limit becomes GPB 4000, the Upper limit becomes GBP 8000.
3.1 was carried as amended, 7 for.
Reserves Policy
To allow the charity to operate with adequate financial stability, and to assure that it has the means to meet its charitable objectives, the charity will operate with reserves within the following limits:
Lower limit: GBP 4000
Upper limit: GBP 8000.
If the reserves fall outside this range, the trustees will take action to control the level of reserves. The policy will be reviewed annually.
The Chair returned to 3.3.
3.3. The Treasurer proposes that after the Autscape 2019 fund is closed, £2500 is moved to the Autscape 2020 fund and £6000 to the Autscape 2021 fund.
The proposal is based on estimates of the current reserves level (£6000) and the Autscape 2019 fund (£4000).
It was suggested that this should be divided into three separate decisions to be voted on. The Chair amended the proposal as follows:
3.3. (amended) Fund proposals
3.3.1. The Treasurer proposes to close the Autscape 2019 fund.
3.3.2. The Treasurer proposes to move £2500 to the Autscape 2020 fund.
3.3.3. The Treasurer proposes to move £6000 to the Autscape 2021 fund.
3.3.1. carried, 7 for
3.3.2. carried, 7 for
3.3.3. not carried, 6 against
The Chair returned to 3.1.1.(amended)
3.1.1 (amended) In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposes that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board wish to
A. Lower the reserves
B. Maintain the reserves
C. Increase the reserves
The need to increase the reserves to avoid falling below the £4000 limit when paying the 2021 deposit was discussed, along with the effects on 2020 fees. The increase in reserves would need to be about £2500 to stay just above the lower limit.
Kalen said that the break even fee for 2020 would be about £225 per adult, and she would be happy with raising it to £240.
Heta suggested specifying that the Board wish to increase the level of reserves by approximately £3000. Elaine disagreed with changing the proposal to include a specified amount. Kalen pointed out that Debbie should be consulted about the amount that could be reasonably raised by this year’s fees. The proposal was kept in its previously amended form.
Option C was carried, 7 for.
3.2. In accordance with the Event Management policy the Company Secretary proposes that the Organising Committee are informed that the Board will
A. Contribute to the event
B. Not contribute to the event
Option B was carried, 5 for.
[16:04 Kalen left the meeting]
4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.
5. Role reports
5.1. Chair (Martijn)
No report.
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
Nothing to report.
5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
Heta said: I have been finding it difficult to get proposals from board members in time to compile the agenda. This may require some changes to our practices.
5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
Jeremy said: There's nothing to report for this month, no incomings or outgoings, and all the activity has been to do with the on-list discussion about the reserves related proposals.
5.5. Event Manager Autscape 2020 (James)
The Core Team have been doing their best to put together the fees for board approval, however there has been a problem with getting replies from Giggleswick. It is therefore likely that we will need to get the fees approved on list before the December meeting. Please check your emails as much as possible in December. I appreciate it's a busy time for some.
The advert has gone to Spectrum on time and will be published in January. Ideally, registration will be opened soon after that. We will also advertise the event by the usual means (Facebook, our own lists, etc.)
I would also like the CfP to go out in Jan or Feb so we are well-prepared for the event, especially as I will need to organise new things like moderator training.
5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.
5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
Nothing to report.
5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
Nothing to report.
5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
No report received.
5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
Elaine said: I posted dates for High Leigh and the Hayes. We need to visit the Hayes and look at making a decision soon but I will do this on list.
6. Any Other Business
6.1. Jenny proposed the following:
“I am running an event in February next year that will be a charity fundraising event. I would very much like to give money raised from the event to Autscape as a donation.
I am paying for the venue myself, I will not ask the board for any money to run the event and I will emphasize to people it is not an Autscape event, it's an event I am running myself (with various people's help).
It will be a Karaoke, and instead of people buying tickets, to attend, they will be asked to give a donation of whatever they can afford.
Would the board members be happy to receive a donation from this event?”
6.1. was carried, 5 for.
Closed part of the meeting
7. Follow-ups
7.1. Refund requests
[confidential item redacted]
8. Any Other Business (closed part)
Elaine brought up the question of bank signatories. This was discussed briefly and deferred to list.
The Chair closed the meeting at 16:34.