Minutes of February 2020 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 22nd February 2020
Meeting time: 11:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Elaine, Fergus, James, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn
Apologies: Heta, Jenny
No observers

Meeting opened at 11:05.

1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the January 2020 meeting posted to the list on February 18

The minutes were approved, 6 for.

2. Ratifications
No ratifications.

3. Proposals
3.1. Autscape Ireland
3.1.1. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposed that the Board approves the contract with Clongowes College, posted to the list on Feb 16 (Attachment 1).

At Kalen’s request, the proposal was rephrased.

The Autscape Ireland liaison to the board, Kalen, proposed that the Board delegate to her the authority to sign the contract with Clongowes College, posted to the list on Feb 16 (Attachment 1).

The motion was carried as amended, 5 for.

3.1.2. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposed Autscape to be registered as a charity operating in Ireland.

At Kalen’s request, the proposal was rephrased.

The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland proposed that Autscape submit an application to register as a charity operating in Ireland.

The motion was carried as amended, 6 for.

3.1.3. The programme coordinator for Autscape Ireland proposed that the board approve the programme of presentations for the event, posted to the list on Feb 21.

The motion was carried, 5 for.

3.1.4. The finance officer for Autscape Ireland proposed that the board approve day fees as follows (one day/2+ days):
Standard: €55/€100
Higher: €75/€140
Low income & child: €45/€80

The motion was carried, 5 for.

3.1.5. The finance officer for Autscape Ireland proposed that the standard and low income residential fees are reduced from €265 to €245 and €225 to €195 respectively.

The motion was carried, 4 for, 1 against.

3.2. Autscape UK

3.2.1. The Event Manager proposed that the Board approves the list of delegations posted to the list on Feb 19.

It was pointed out that a more recent version of the list of delegation had been posted to the list on Feb 22nd. The Chair requested that board members vote on approving the more recent list.

The motion was carried, 6 for.

3.2.2. The Event Manager proposed that the Board allocate £9,000 to the 2020 Autscape UK event.

Jeremy asked if this figure has been considered bearing in mind the target of achieving a surplus this year.
James explained that the surplus would be achieved by the fee structure, not the event budget

The proposal was reworded:
The Event Manager proposed that the Board approve a budget of £9,000 for the 2020 Autscape UK event.

The motion was carried as amended, 6 for.

3.2.3. The Event Manager proposed that the Board approves the purchase of a card reader for use for the Registrar and at the event.
The estimated cost was £29-£79.

The proposal was reworded:
The Event Manager proposes the purchase of a payment card reader up to £100, provided the card reader
does not incur a transaction charge for Autscape.

The motion was carried as amended, 6 for.

3.3. The Chair proposed that the Board authorizes him to set up an account with the payment processor Stripe.
The motion was carried, 6 for.

4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.

5. Role reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)
Martijn said: I haven't prepared a report. I'm happy that Autscape Ireland seems to be coming together at last, and that we seem to have resolved the legal questions re charity registration surrounding the event for now.

5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
Elaine reported that she will be preparing the annual report soon.

5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
No report received.

5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.

5.5. Event Manager Autscape UK 2020 (James)
James said: The Irish event is diverting time and resources away from the UK event, and I'm now getting concerned. I may not be able to bring any of it forward, but given that the event is happening a month earlier than last year, we need to be starting a month earlier just to break even.
That means that registration and the CfP need to be happening at the start of March at the latest if we are to avoid a rush. That's just over a week away. I understand that there is enthusiasm about the Irish event, but if people don't respond to my emails about the UK event, I can't do anything about any delays. Registration is going to open later than projected, but the final preparations are happening.

Martijn asked what registration system would be used. James explained that Peter was creating one. He requested that no one email Peter or Debbie about this but email him instead, if there were concerns.

5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
Nothing to report

5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
Report posted to the list: The Bid Writing course I was booked onto to attend this month, annoyingly, got postponed due to low numbers and I plan to attend the replacement course being run in March 2020 instead.
The Karaoke Charity Fundraising Event took place on 18th February as planned. Running this type of event is a new thing for me, so I am going through a learning curve. It was a fun, low-key, local event in Bristol and my aim was to facilitate a safe-space for autistics, so it was run in a similar vein to the way Autscape is
run, for example, communication badges were available and were used by several people, and in my welcoming speech I asked if anyone takes 'photos, to please ask for permission from the people in
the pictures before posting images on-line.
To reassure the bar owner, I explained I had been given permission by the Autscape Board to raise money for Autscape and showed him a print-out showing my name among the list of board members. The lockable collection box (with consent from the venue owner) was on the bar for the duration of the Karaoke and as requested, the box clearly had displayed on it Autscape's charity details and the Autscape logo (a 'photo of the box has been sent to the Board).
It was never expected to be a massive event and the recent outbreak of Coronavirus and Storm Dennis may have put people off. However, there was a congenial group of 9 (nine) of us and we raised
£58.59 which I consider made the event worthwhile. I hope the money raised will be put to good use.
The event was advertised mainly on-line using a Private Event Page which I feel worked well as people were invited individually, giving a personal touch. After the success of the event, I am planning to run, or help others to run, similar events in the future to raise more funds for Autscape.

5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
Nothing to report.

5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
Lists are quiet. Nothing to report.

5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
Ireland has distracted us from this but after the meeting I will be putting proposals on the list. We need to decide on our next venue before it’s too late.

5.11. Event Manager Autscape Ireland 2020 (Nora)
Kalen reported: At the moment we're not all that clear about where the roles are because we are working well as a team with non-specific roles. Here is the report: Despite some changes in the team, the planning for Autscape Ireland has continued unabated. We have a final contract from the venue, Clongowes College, a full programme of proposals, a beginning register of interest and now a registration system for taking payments.
They will also be submitting an application for charity registration in Ireland.

6. Any Other Business

Kalen asked if she needed specific delegations for:
1. Paying the venue deposit for Ireland (less than €1000), 2. Paying 50% of childcare for Ireland in advance (about £1200).

Elaine advised her to have invoices sent directly to the Treasurer, who would check if there was approval to pay.

James reported that he had visited a potential venue in Scotland, Strathallan school. Fergus offered to visit the venue.

13:18 At the Chair’s request, the Vice-chair took over chairing the meeting

Kalen’s requests were formulated as proposals.

6.1. The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland requested that the board authorise a payment of up to
€1000 for the venue deposit for Clongowes College.

The motion was carried, 5 for.

6.2 The Finance Officer for Autscape Ireland requested that the board authorise payment of up to £2400 for childcare for Autscape Ireland (including transport and accommodation), with 50% to be paid in advance.

The motion was carried, 5 for.

Closed part of the meeting

7. Nominations
Bookkeeper for Autscape Ireland

No volunteers were available. It was agreed that Trish would be asked if she could take this role.

Meeting closed at 13:37.