Minutes of April 2020 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 18th April 2020
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, Jenny, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn; James from 14:14 to 16:16, Elaine from 14:00 to 16:29.
Apologies: none
One observer

1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the 28th March 2020 meeting posted to the list on 18th April
The minutes were approved, 6 for.

2. Ratifications
2.1. Fee structure proposed on the board list on 14th April

On site attendance at Giggleswick: Fees remain as they were. They can be lowered later, if necessary.

Online attendance: Standard fee £20, higher fee £30.

Two or more people in one household are allowed to share, meaning that they can view content together and take turns as active participants, for the price of one.

Free online attendance for carers, support workers and volunteers who provide necessary one-on-one support to help another person to participate.

The fee structure was approved on the list, 7 for. The last vote was cast on 15th April.
The decision was ratified, 7 for.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Fundraising Coordinator proposed that the Autscape Organisation registers with the Fundraising Regulator.
The cost would be £50 per year. Registering could increase chances of getting grants. It would be reassuring to people considering giving donations, and it would show that the organisation is open and transparent.
Following a discussion, it was agreed that before a decision is made the Fundraising Coordinator should find out: 1. what information about Autscape the Fundraising Regulator would need in order for us to register, and 2. if there are any more good reasons for registering.
The item was deferred to the next meeting.

3.2. Fergus Murray proposed cancellation or scaling down of the Giggleswick booking for Autscape 2020, and booking the venue for Autscape 2021.
After discussion, the proposal was divided into two parts and reworded.
3.2.1. Fergus Murray proposed cancelling Autscape 2020 as a conference at Giggleswick
3 for, 4 against, the motion was not carried.
3.2.2. Fergus Murray proposed booking Gigglewick School as the venue for Autscape 2021.
The motion was carried, 7 for.

3.3. The Honorary Secretary proposed that the Board review delegations and budget for Autscape 2020, and make necessary changes.
The item was postponed to the confidential part of the meeting.

3.4. The Honorary Secretary proposed that all organising team members should be required to submit brief weekly reports of their work to the board until the end of May.
In the exceptional situation, it is necessary for all Trustees to be able to monitor the progress and well-being of the team, so that decisions can be made promptly when necessary.
The item was postponed to the confidential part of the meeting.

4. Follow-ups
4.1. EUCAP membership
The AGM of EUCAP had been moved to 13th-14th June. Information about Autscape representatives and possible candidates for the board should be sent by the end of May.

5. Role reports
5.1. Chair (Martijn)
Nothing to report
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
Report unfinished, to be submitted to the list
5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
Nothing to report
5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
Jeremy said: I have completed the accounts ready for the board to see and they have also been sent to the independent examiner who is checking them at the moment.
5.5. Event Manager Autscape UK 2020 (James)
The Organiser team has taken some actions, but we have not fulfilled the Board requests from the last meeting. There are issues to be sorted that we can discuss confidentially.
5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.
5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
Posted to the list on 18th April: I am keen to have a discussion with the board members regarding my proposal that Autscape registers with the Fundraising Regulator, as I feel that being a registered organisation would be reassuring to people considering giving donations to Autscape, and it would also mean we would be being open and transparent.
5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
Nothing to report
5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
Kalen said: There is a little activity on the community list. Nothing of note.
5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
Nothing to report.

6. Any Other Business

Closed part of the meeting

7. Nominations
7.1. Organising team members, as additions or replacements
The item was skipped.
Items 3.3. and 3.4., which had been postponed from the open part of the meeting, were referred to the Board list and Organiser discussions.

8. Additional item
8.1. Message from the Registrar
James conveyed a message from Debbie:
[confidential email redacted]
The need for communication between organising team members and the current state of the registration system were discussed. It was pointed out that the system was not ready for testing despite earlier requests, and online participation had not been included. The discussion was continued after item 7.2.

7.2. Autscape representatives in EUCAP
7.2.1. Voting representative
Kalen nominated Martijn.
Martijn was voted to be the voting representative, 5 for.
7.2.2. Non-voting representative
Jenny and Fergus were nominated.
Fergus was voted to be the non-voting representative, 4 for.

8.2. New proposal added on the basis of discussion: Kalen proposed that the Board members ask the Registrar to have a registration system ready for testing by midday Monday 20 April.
The motion was carried, 5 for.
It was agreed that James and Elaine would be asked to convey this request to Debbie.

The meeting was closed at 17:11.