Meeting date: 23rd May 2020
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn
Present: Elaine (Company Secretary)
Apologies: none
No observers
The meeting was opened at 14:06.
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the 18th April 2020 meeting posted to the list on 22nd May
The minutes had not been completed. The item was deferred to the next meeting.
2. Ratifications
2.1. Proposal to cancel the physical Autscape event at Giggleswick School, posted to the list on 14th May.
The proposal was approved unanimously on the list, with last vote received on 18th May.
The decision was ratified, 7 for.
3. Proposals
3.1. Fergus Murray proposed that Autscape should aim to make talks freely available online where presenters consent.
The proposal was reworded to:
Fergus Murray proposes that where possible, if a presenter consents, a presentation should be made available for free on-line after the talk is complete.
The proposal was carried as amended, 6 for.
3.1.1. The Chair proposed that we delegate the responsibility for making presentations freely available be delegated to the organising committee.
The motion was carried, 7 for.
3.2. The Programme coordinator proposed that Autscape contributes to the purchase of a Zoom subscription for EUCAP, to make an upgrade possible.
The proposal was reworded as:
The proposal was carried as amended, 7 for.3.2. The Programme Coordinator proposes that Autscape contribute up to £600 to the purchase of a Zoom subscription for EUCAP. This is to upgrade this subscription to a maximum of 500 participants, so that it has sufficient capacity for Autscape to share in its use in order to run the online Autscape event.
3.3. The Honorary Secretary proposed setting a fee structure for small satellite events
3.3.1. £50 for one active participant and up to five viewers
3.3.2. £100 for two active participants and viewers up to the maximum number allowed by local restrictions on gatherings
The implications of different rules and fees for group participation were discussed. The item was deferred to the next meeting.
4. Follow-ups
Martijn let the Board know that he would work on the same day on the announcement about the physical Autscape being cancelled.
Elaine informed the Board that she had tried to contact Giggleswick re cancelling and booking for next year but had not been able to get hold of anybody.
5. Role reports
The Chair requested that everyone who had a role report would say so. Jenny and Kalen had reports.
Interim registrar (Kalen): We have sold 102 'tickets' (individuals) for the event and taken in over £2,000 for them (including donations).
5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
Posted to the list on 22nd May: Having raised it at the last meeting, after discussion, I took the action to investigate further whether it would be beneficial for Autscape to register with the Fundraising Regulator. Still in the process of weighing up the pros and cons. Lockdown permitting, I hope to report back next month.
6. Any Other Business
Closed part of the meeting
7. Nominations
7.1. Primary user for the PayPal account
Jeremy was nominated as the primary user, and Heta as secondary.
The motion was carried, 7 for.
7.2. EUCAP roles
7.2.1. Candidate for the EUCAP Executive Board
Martijn was nominated as the Autscape candidate.
The motion was carried, 6 for.
7.2.2. Spokesperson to present on Autscape
Martijn and Kalen were proposed as spokespersons.
The motion was carried, 7 for.
7.2.3 Webinar attendees
The item was deferred to the list.
8. Any Other Business
The meeting was closed at 16:22.