Meeting date: 28th November 2020
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Heta, Kalen, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Martijn, Richard, Elaine (Company secretary)
Absent: Fergus
Apologies: None received
One observer
1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the 29th August 2020 meeting posted to the list on 24th October
The minutes were approved, 7 for
1.2. Minutes of the 24th October 2020 meeting posted to the list on 25th November
The minutes were approved, 7 for
2. Ratifications
No ratifications.
3. Proposals
3.1. The Vice Chair proposed an online event for the end of December.
The date, time and content of the event were discussed. The proposal was reworded to:
The Vice-Chair proposes that the Board approve an online event on Tuesday 29th December at 19:00 GMT, to be run on Zoom for Autscape members only. The event will include a programmed section of no longer than 1 hour, followed by casual/social time.
The motion was carried as amended, 7 for.
4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.
5. Role reports
5.1. Chair (Martijn)
Nothing to report.
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
The company secretary reported that she had written to the solicitor about overseas events and was waiting for a reply. She has posted a possible GDPR policy, and needed to discuss details with Martijn to write the rest of this policy. She had been looking into ways to do the AGM. A date needed to be set, as AGM paperwork has to go out before the event. Discussion with tech was also needed about ways to vote and to register to attend.
The company secretary had been working on the Events policy with Kalen and James and updating the list of delegations. She hoped to tell the board more about this in connection with refresher training, which should happen in February at latest.
5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
Nothing to report.
5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.
5.5. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
The membership secretary reported that 43 members had attended the previous social event on Zoom.
5.6. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
The fundraising coordinator's report (from the list) stated that she would like to apply for grants, but this was proving to be challenging. Discussion with the board is needed.
5.7. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
The tech coordinator reported that there had been no progress.
5.8. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
Nothing to report.
5.9. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
The venue search coordinator reported that she had not made contact with Giggleswick yet about next year.
6. Any Other Business
6.1. Heta proposed 2nd January as the date for the next Board meeting.
The motion was approved.
6.2. James requested that the date for the next online event be added to the News section of the website.
Martijn agreed to do this.
6.3 The Vice Chair proposed that Autscape join the Amazon Smile program to add to our fundraising.
The motion was not carried, 7 against.
6.4. James informed the board that he believed the members list was not up to date, and asked what he could do to update it.
The need to add all members to the membership database was discussed. Martijn agreed to look into the the possibility of creating accounts for those who do not currently have them, in collaboration with Jeremy.
6.5. Kalen proposed that the Autscape AGM be held on 16 January 2021.
The wording was changed to:
The motion was carried as amended, 7 for.6.5. Kalen proposes that the Autscape AGM be held on 16 January 2021 at 14:00 GMT
6.6. Jeremy informed the board that the issue of two virtual servers needed to be resolved because of the annual payments.
Details of the required transition were discussed.
The meeting was closed at 15.37.