Minutes of October 2020 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 24th October 2020
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, Kalen, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Martijn, Richard, Elaine (Company secretary)
Apologies: None
No observers

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the 29th August 2020 meeting posted to the list on 24th October
The item was deferred to the next meeting.

2. Ratifications
No ratifications.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Vice-Chair proposed that the wording enabling the Autscape social events be amended to:

Autscape will appoint an Event Manager for monthly online social events, which may include programmed activities.

The proposal was discussed, and the wording was amended to:

The Vice-Chair proposes that the Board approve an online event on Nov 7th to be run on Zoom for Autscape members only. The event will include a programmed section of no longer than 1 hour, followed by casual/social time.

The motion was carried as amended, 8 for.

3.2. The Vice Chair proposed that organiser teams be delegated the power to grant refunds of under £50 without consulting the Board.
The wording was amended to:

The Vice Chair proposes that organiser teams be delegated the power to grant refunds of under £50 without consulting the Board, to include refunds from 2020 onwards.

The motion was carried as amended, 8 for.

3.3. The item was withdrawn, as it was redundant.

3.4. The Company Secretary proposed that the board approve the deposit payment for The Hayes 2022 event.
Kalen informed the board that the amount of the deposit was £15,928.60, equalling 20% of the total charge for the venue.
The amount exceeded unrestricted funds. To address this, the proposal was split into two separate proposals and reworded.
3.4.1. The Treasurer proposes to temporarily suspend designated funds as needed in order to pay the deposit for 2022.
The motion was carried, 8 for.
3.4.2. The Company Secretary proposed that the board approve the £15,928.60 deposit payment for The Hayes 2022 event.
The motion was carried, 6 for, 1 against.

3.5. The Company Secretary proposed that we hold an on-line AGM event in January.
The wording was amended to:

The Company Secretary proposes that we hold an on-line AGM event in January 2021.

The motion was carried as amended, 8 for

4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups.

5. Role reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)
Nothing to report.

5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
Nothing to report.

5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta)
Nothing to report.

5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.

5.5. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
Nothing to report.

5.6. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny)
Nothing to report.

5.7. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
The tech coordinator reported that there had been no progress in the past month.

5.8. Lists coordinator (Kalen)
The lists coordinator reported that the lists were very quiet, and asked if they should be revived. Some of the activity had moved to Discord.

5.9. Venue search coordinator (Elaine)
Nothing to report.

6. Any Other Business
Richard asked about the possibility of passing the VAT threshold of £85k.
Kalen replied that this had not been considered before, and needed discussing. Richard agreed to start a thread about this on the board list.
James pointed out that the contact email address for membership matters on the website was secretary@autscape.org. Martijn agreed to change this to the correct address, memsec@autscape.org.

The meeting was closed at 15:55.