Minutes of 30 January 2021 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 30th January 2021
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Fergus, Heta, James, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn, Richard, Jenny, Elaine (Company secretary)
No apologies
No observers

1. Approvals
Minutes of the 2nd January meeting, posted to the list on 27th January.
The minutes were approved, 8 for

2. Ratifications
No ratifications.

3. Proposals
3.1. Kalen proposed that an online only Autscape is planned for 2021.
The motion was carried, 8 for

4. Follow-ups
4.1. Publication of Autscape 2020 videos
Fergus reported that seven videos had been approved by three committee members, and three more by two committee members. It was agreed that the seven fully approved videos could be published.
4.2. AGM arrangements
Heta reported that the Zoom session for the AGM had been created, and was set to require registrations with manual approval. Approving registrations involved checking the registrants against the membership list. Jeremy agreed to approve the registrations.
Heta explained the tasks of a teller when running a closed ballot via SurveyMonkey. James volunteered to act as a teller, and it was agreed that another teller would be recruited from among members.

5. Role reports
The Chair requested reports.
5.6. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny) reported that she had decided to step down as a board member. Being on the board had been a rewarding experience for her.

6. Any Other Business
6.1 Martijn asked if the membership list could be synchronised with the members database. Jeremy confirmed that this could be done.
Closed part of the meeting

7. (confidential item redacted)

8. Any other business
No other business.

The meeting was closed at 15.17.