Minutes of 27 February 2021 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 27th February 2021
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Elaine, Fergus, Heta, Kalen, Martijn, Richard
Apologies: Jeremy
Absent: James

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the 30th January meeting, posted to the list on 26th February.

The minutes were approved, 5 for.

2. Ratifications

No ratifications.

3. Proposals

No proposals

4. Follow-ups

4.1. Publication of Autscape 2020 videos

Fergus reported that videos were publicly available on the YouTube channel. Martijn offered to link them to the website, and Fergus offered to create a series of tweets to advertise them.

5. Role reports

No reports.

6. Any Other Business

Kalen asked if Autscape organising had been initiated, and if dates had been advertised. It was agreed that organising and dates would be discussed on the list.

Closed part of the meeting

7. Follow-ups

7.1. [Confidential item redacted]

8. Roles

8.1. Chair

Nominations: Martijn

Martijn was elected as Chair, 4 for.

8.2. Vice-chair

Nominations: James

James was elected as Vice-chair, 5 for.

8.3. Treasurer

The item was deferred.

8.4. Representatives at EUCAP

The item was deferred.

9. Any Other Business

No other business.

The meeting was closed at 14:50.