Minutes of 25 September 2021 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: 25th September 2021

Meeting time: 14:00 GMT

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Fergus, Jeremy, Kalen, Martijn, Richard, Elaine (from 14:14), Heta
(from 15:24 to 15:43)

Apologies (late arrival): Elaine, Heta

One observer.

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the 28th August meeting, posted on the list on 28th August

The Chair proposed approving the minutes subject to corrections posted to the list by Elaine.

The minutes were approved, 4 for.

2. Ratifications

No ratifications.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Company Secretary proposed that the Board select a date for the 2021 AGM.

Possible dates were discussed. The Chair amended the proposal to:

Proposal: to schedule the Autscape 2021 AGM for Saturday 20th November at 2pm GMT, online.

The motion was carried as amended, 6 for.

3.2. The Venue Search Coordinator proposed that the Board select the venue for Autscape 2023.

The different options were discussed. The proposal was amended to:

3.2. The Venue Search Coordinator proposes that the Board select as the venue for Autscape 2023:

A. Giggleswick School

B. The Hayes Conference Centre

5 votes for B, 1 for A. Option B was carried.

3.3. The Honorary Secretary proposed that Autscape Organisation sign a letter (Appendix 1) expressing support for the petition by the Spanish organisation CEPAMA.

Heta informed the Board that the situation had changed, and signatures were no longer being requested.

The Autscape stance of neutrality was discussed. The consensus was that Autscape would not express support to campaigns, even when these have positive goals.

The proposal was not voted on.

4. Follow-ups

No follow-ups.

5. Role reports

No role reports.

6. Any Other Business

6.1. Kalen asked if the board would like her to look at making the AGM into an event.

The matter was discussed, and the Chair formulated the following proposal:

The Chair proposes that we appoint Kalen the event manager of a mini event surrounding the Autscape 2021 AGM on 20th September.

The motion was carried, 6 for.

The closed part of the meeting

7. Roles

7.1. Event manager 2022

The board was informed that James and Kalen were both candidates for the role.

The Chair requested that board vote for:

A. James

B. Kalen

Option B (Kalen) was carried, 5 for.

7.2. Membership secretary

The Chair requested that the board vote for:

A. James

B. Richard

Option B (Richard) was carried, 4 for.

7.3. EUCAP campaign team member

The item was deferred to the list.

7.4. Presenter for the EUCAP webinar (20th Nov)

The item was deferred to the list.

The meeting was closed at 16:06.