Minutes of 28 January 2023 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation

Autscape board meeting, 28 Jan 2023 16:00 GMT (17:00 CET, 18:00 EET)

Meeting opened 16:04

Present: David, George, Heta, James, Kacey, Richard, Trish

Absent (late): Elaine, Martijn

Observers: None

Chair: James

1. Approvals

1.1 Final draft of the Minutes of the Board meeting held on 3rd December 2022 posted to the list on 20th December 2022

1.1 Carried, 7 for

2. Ratifications

No ratifications

3. Proposals

No proposals

Elaine joined the meeting at 16:07

4. Follow-ups

4.1 Training for IRC meeting facilitators (Martijn)

4.1 Training set for 14th Feb at 1pm, on normal autscape meeting channel

4.2 High Net Worth (Richard)

Richard stated that he and Elaine are meeting with Yasmine tonight and this looks

promising for fundraising. High Net Worth will be part of it.

4.3 Code of Conduct for Board Members (Elaine)

Elaine has put a draft for this on the list and is awaiting comments.

4.3 Action - Board to read and comment. Deferred to list

4.4 Minutes to be uploaded to website (Martijn)

4.4 Action - Martijn to upload in February

4.5 Communication from President of Inclusion Europe (Heta)

Martijn has sent a response to Maureen Piggot and received a reply:

"Thank you for your helpful suggestions on practical ways we could advance learning from each other within our organisations. I have shared the ideas with (redacted for confidentiality). I have noted the date of the Autscape Board meeting. EDF Executive Commitee doesn't meet again till 1 February. We may not have a formal response till after that. However a slow and cautious approach is no bad thing. I will keep you informed of any developments."

4.6 Data Protection Policy (Elaine)

Elaine stated that this has been sent to the list and there are three other policies also to

go to the list.

4.6 - Elaine to post, Board to read and comment. Deferred to list

4.7 Inviting POC speaker

James reported he has done some further research on this but has not invited anyone yet.

It was suggested we ask the group of POC who attended this year's Autscape for input.

George agreed to keep in touch with them and keep the Board updated
There was a discussion and the board considered it was vital to maintain good communication in order for Autscape to get this right in the future

Martijn joined the meeting at 4.39

A deadline of the March meeting was suggested.

4.7 Action - George to consult POC group and feedback

4.8 Handbook/Manual (James)
Trish has made a start on this and James hopes to do some work on this soon.

4.8 Action - James/George/Trish to work on Handbook for next meeting.

4.9 Paying in Installments (Richard)

The treasurer agreed to look into this as a possibility for the next event. There was a lot to consider such as cash flow, administration and following people up who only partly paid.

4.9 Action - Richard looking into. Deferred to list.

Meeting break 17:09

Meeting reopened 1720

5. Role reports

5.1 The Chair

Nothing to report

5.2 Company Secretary

The Company Secretary reported that in addition to the policies already presented to the board she will shortly be sending a draft fundraising strategy and she will also be starting the annual report.

5.3 Treasurer
Nothing to report

5.4 Tech coordinator

Nothing to report

6. AOB

6.1 Grant Opportunity (Heta)

Heta asked for help with the rough draft of the grant application she was working on. She wanted to link the application to this years theme but this had not been decided yet. It was also mentioned that she could link it to a chapter in a neurodiversity book which mentions Autscape favourably (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-8437-0_8) .

Elaine agreed to help and the Chair agreed to answer any questions if needed and sign and send the completed application if necessary.

6.1 Elaine to help Heta with grant application

6.2 Theme for Autscape 2023

The following themes were put forward for discussion

A Self-advocacy/Advocacy
B Expanding Autistic Space
C Making Change(s)

It was suggested we keep expanding autistic space for 2025. 2005 was creating autistic space, 2015 was exploring autistic space.

Following the discussion the theme was refined.

The Chair proposed that the theme for Autscape 2023 should be ‘Advocacy and Automony’

6.2 carried, 9 for

Meeting closed, 1804