Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Autscape board meeting, 25 Mar 2023
Meeting opened 1605
Present: Kacey, David, George, Richard, Heta, James and Trish
Apologies - none
Absent - Martijn and Elaine (late)
Observers - none
1. Approvals
1.1 Final draft of the Minutes of the Board meeting held on 28th January 2023 posted to the list on 13th March 2023
1.1 Carried, 7 for
2. Ratifications
2.1. Ratification of the proposal from the Treasurer that the board approve payment for the 2023 membership of EUCAP of £210) (actual amount of 210EUR (approximately £187 plus conversion fees). Decision taken on list on 04/03/2023. 9 For
Elaine joined the meeting 16:10
2.1 Carried, 8 for
Martijn joined the meeting 16:12
3. Proposals
3.1. The treasurer proposed that the board maintains its membership of EUCAP and pay the annual membership fee up to 300EUR until either the fee exceeds this amount or the board decide to leave EUCAP.
3.1 Carried, 9 for
3.2. The chair proposed Leneh Buckle for the Event Manager for Autscape 2023
3.2 Carried 9 for
3.3. The Company Secretary proposed the board adopt the reviewed and amended Event Management policy - see Appendix A
3.3 Carried 9 for
3.4. The Company Secretary proposed that the board adopt the Events policy - see Appendix B
3.4 Carried, 8 for, 1 against.
3.5. George proposed that the board hold a facebook fundraising auction with profit being donated to Autscape - see Appendix C
3.5 Carried, 9 for
3.6.1. The Treasurer proposed that the board replace the website with one that is much simpler to update and in a way that lists and files are hosted independently. James requested this be reworded. Richard agreed to postpone until we have more facts.
3.6.1 Deferred to list
3.6.2 The Treasurer proposed that Yasmine Patpatia be asked to confirm whether MediaTree is able to produce a first draft to the website spec the board agrees, pro-bono.
3.6.2 Deferred to list
4. Follow-ups
4.1 EUCAP update (Heta)
Heta reported that the last EUCAP info letter was sent recently. Member organisations were urged to name their representatives for the AGM. Dates were given for the AGM (3rd June) and two preceding informal meetings for people who may need help to prepare.
Elaine said she would like to give up being a representative. The other ones are Martijn and Heta. The easiest way to keep up to date is via Facebook.
Heta to post further information on list.
4.2. Handbook update (James)
James reported there has been no great progress but that Trish has proposed a zoom meeting with himself and George. It was mentioned that some of the recent policies could be useful too.
4.3. Radio producer update (George)
George reported that the programme has not been commissioned so this will not go ahead.
4.4. Inviting POC speaker (James/George)
James reported that due to delays setting up this years core team, he hasn’t approached anybody yet. However, he has been looking through the list provided by the PoC group and there are only a few from the UK. Unfortunately we do not have a budget which would allow us to pay for someone to come from abroad. There are some that are worth approaching and George said she could ask the group if they had any more suggestions. The organisers have decided against speakers via online connection last year as it raised too many issues (not least of confidentiality). Ideally any invited PoCs would stay for the whole conference, but that'd be up to them of course. James said he had also been looking at other forms of entertainment.
4.5. Grant opportunity (Heta)
Nothing further to report
4.6. Response to Autangel (James)
Trish has offered to speak at Autangel's event as a representative. Elaine has offered to stand in if Trish can’t make it. James will email them to confirm Trish has been chosen.
5. Role reports
5.1 The Chair
Nothing to report
5.2 Company Secretary
The Company Secretary reported that they have a lot of things that need to come to the board this month so directors need to be aware.
5.3 Treasurer
Nothing to report.
5.4 Tech coordinator
Nothing to report.
6. AOB
George asked that people look at the draft response to the P0C group’s feedback as they are awaiting an update.
Closed part of meeting not for publication
Meeting closed 1736