1. Approvals
1.1. Minutes of the Board meeting held on 26 August 2023 as posted to the list on xx 2023 (Elaine these should be with you at the moment)
2. Ratifications
3. Proposals
4. Follow ups
4.1 Follow up after event and expectations for how things run next year
4.2 Fundraising - Caroline and Yasmine
4.3 AGM
4.4 Autscape 2024/25
4.5 POC Bursary
4.6 Board Reps
4.7 Minutes outstanding for approval / website.
5. Reports
5.1. Chair (James)
5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
5.3. Treasurer (Richard)
5.4. Honorary Secretary
5.5. Lists co-ordinator (David)
5.6. Tech co-ordinator (Martijn)
5.7. Membership secretary (Richard)
5.8. Venue search co-ordinator (Elaine)
5.9. EUCAP rep (Kacey)
5.10. Event Manager (Leneh)
6. AOB