Meeting opened 1607
Present David, Elaine, James, Kacey, Richard, Trish
Apologies George, Heta, Martijn
Absent None
Observers 1
1. Approvals
1.1 Minutes of the Board meeting held on 26 August 2023
Deferred to next meeting
2. Ratifications
3. Proposals (put forward after Follow ups)
3.1 The Chair proposed that Autscape holds its AGM for the year 23-24 on Sat Jan 27th 2024.
Carried 6 for
3.2. The Chair proposed that the Board appoint Caroline Bauer to run a POC Bursary scheme for Autscape 24
Vote fell, 2 for, 4 against
James left the meeting
3.3. The Company secretary proposed that the Board accepts Caroline Bauer's offer to run a POC bursary scheme for Autscape 24
Carried 5 for
4. Follow ups
4.1 Follow up after event and expectations for how things run next year
It was noted that a discussion around the Core Management team needs to take place
Action: James to discuss Core Team further with Kacey and Elaine
4.2 Fundraising Caroline and Yasmine
Richard said he had met with Yasmine and they are looking at how they can prepare themselves for fundraising as well as developing a Fundraising Strategy. Corporate Fundraising looks like the best option, but they plan to look at other options, too. They won’t actually approach funders without authorisation from the Board and until he has a written Fundraising Co-ordinator Job Description. He is meeting Yasmine again on Tuesday. The website is one of the issues. We really shouldn’t delay this too much longer as this is the best time of year to do it – perhaps it might be worth having an extra Board meeting for this. Richard is happy to book a meeting to discuss the website. File sharing, eg google drive, was mentioned.
Action: Richard to organise meeting about fundraising and website
4.3 AGM (See proposal above in point 3)
Date set for 27th January. Further details on whether other activities will also take place are to be decided. The (zoom) Board meeting due that day will be the week before instead, 20th January. Date to be formally announced later
4.4 Autscape 2024/5
2024 is sorted and now needs officially announcing
2025, deposit of £1000 paid.
Action: Kacey to draft wording for announce list and facebook and send to Board.
4.5 POC Bursary
James said he had an email from Caroline Bauer awaiting information from us and reply. Caroline Bauer has also offered to run the POC bursary. James has had a discussion with George and Sara.
There was a discussion about a suggested POC Board place. It was noted that increasing board numbers to 10 can only be done by changing the bye laws which can only be changed by members voting at the AGM. Also Board members must be elected by the membership. The alternative would be a working group specifically for this subject with a chair reporting directly to the board. David is prepared to chair the working group at least temporarily
Action: Elaine to speak to Martijn about setting up a working group
Action: Elaine to write a job description.
James left the meeting
Kacey took over as chair
4.6. Board Representatives
This has been covered elsewhere
4.7. Minutes outstanding for approval/website
Trish will find out what minutes need approval and arrange for ones that are approved to be put on the website
5.1 Chair – no report
5.2 Company Secretary
The Company Secretary said they had some further training which they will post to the Board soon. Also some further info re sub committees
5.3 Treasurer
The Treasurer reported that the accounts have been submitted to Companies House after a successful Independent Examination. He also gave them to Elaine for submission to the Charity Commissions and trust that this has happened. The Company Secretary responded that they have a new system and she is awaiting a password for this so she can submit them. The literature explains there is a delay in converting to the new system and delivering passwords but they will take the date as the one when she asked for the password.
5.4 Honorary Secretary
Nothing to report
5.5 List Coordinator
The Lists Coordinator reported that he is unclear on the boundaries of his role and thinks this needs writing down somewhere. He is also concerned about the lack of progress in moving to new software
5.6 Tech Coordinator
Nothing to report
5.7 Membership Secretary
Nothing to report
5.8 Venue Search Coordinator
Nothing to report
5.9 Eucap Rep
Nothing to report
5.10 Event Manager – not yet appointed
6.1 David asked about the meeting date in December and whether this will move to a different date.
Deferred to list (potentially 1 week earlier)