Agenda for February 2011 meeting

Final Agenda for February 2011 committee meeting
Meeting date: Sunday 20th February 1pm

Meeting Chair: Stephen

1.      Ratifications

1.1.   January minutes (approved on list).

2.      Proposals

2.1.   To subsidise a site manager

2.2.   To delegate a non-committee member (Robin v. S.) to organise the 
setup of a sensory room at Autscape. (In consultation with the Venue 
Coordinator as necessary, of course.)

2.3.   Fees proposal?

3.      Follow ups

3.1.   Proposals deadline - is an extension needed?

3.2.   Membership database

3.3.   Review progress on newsletter

4.      Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed)

4.1.   Venue (2012)

4.2.   Tech (proposal form issues, paypal button)

4.3.   Publications/publicity (advertising, brochure draft)

4.4.   Constitution (progress on governance policy)

4.5.   Fundraising (progress on fundraising)

4.6.   Youth (hiding email addresses, funding, recruitment, childcare 

4.7.   Programme (timetable for proposal decisions, subsidy decision(s), 
leisure issues)

5.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

5.1.   Venue coordinator

5.2.   Treasurer (accountant)

5.3.   Company Secretary (CRBs, charity form)

5.4.   Chair (Stephen as interim Jan-Feb chair)

6.      Any other business